Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

I don't believe that it's ok to do something that is ethically wrong, even if the end result gives more happiness overall. I'm not very big fan of Utilitarian ethics. In my culture, killing a a dog would be morally wrong thing to do. So I wouldn't kill a puppy. If I lived in a culture or in a situation where it was norm that people ate dogs, and people were very hungry, I think I could kill a puppy.

It is noble way to think that you could give the money to someone who needs it. But did you make someone unhappy by killing the puppy? And then there is the question how much happiness does money give? Is it worth it? I don't believe so, that in my culture it would be worth it. Maybe I'm just too spoiled and have too much money.

You bring up excellent points. Some cultures eat dogs. Our culture eats cows which are considered a holy animal in other country's making it even worse then killing dogs.

So "ethically" wrong is a matter of personal perspective don't you think?

I could say I believe all life is sacred. I coould say I have the hardest time killing ants and will go out of my way not to. At the same time, I love a good steak. To say you have a problem killing a dog but not a cow...well I would question your sanity should you choose to.
You bring up excellent points. Some cultures eat dogs. Our culture eats cows which are considered a holy animal in other country's making it even worse then killing dogs.

So "ethically" wrong is a matter of personal perspective don't you think?

I could say I believe all life is sacred. I coould say I have the hardest time killing ants and will go out of my way not to. At the same time, I love a good steak. To say you have a problem killing a dog but not a cow...well I would question your sanity should you choose to.

As much as this post brings discomfort to me, you make a very solid point.

Bah ><
I think you should have to use your bare hands to do the killing. Also you should have to look into its eyes as its life slowly fades away
I think you should have to use your bare hands to do the killing. Also you should have to look into its eyes as its life slowly fades away

I had a cat put to sleep once. This was a couple years after I lost my father, mother and brother. Took it to the vet, they put the shot into him and he laid there on the table looking at me and me looking at him. As he was dying, he began to pur very loudly. I like to think its because he was finally being relieved of his pain. Reading about it though, cats will pur when under great distress....

Just another thing that has literally torn my consciousness in this world. You can feel something rip inside you on occasion and I cant even put that feeling into words.

I have the hardest time killing anything. But...I do love a good steak so I guess in the end its really not as big a deal as I make out of it.

BTW I am not a cat person, I am a dog person. Cats are just easier to maintain with a busy life style.
I would never ever hurt a puppy no matter the circumstances.
I would never ever hurt a puppy no matter the circumstances.

I dont believe you. What if you stepped on a puppy by accident? An accident is a circumstance. You could say you would never intentionally hurt a puppy.
I suppose I'd kill this hypothetical puppy if I needed that money, though I'd feel bad. I have the blood of a thousand livestock on my hands simply because they're delicious, and I'm not excused by not being the one to deal the death blow or remove the cuts of meat nor am I excused because they're not an animal people are sentimental about. A puppy is not intrinsically more valuable than a chicken. A vegetarian friend said that if you couldn't hypothetically kill an animal yourself and both respect and own the loss of that animal life you have no business eating meat, and after that conversation I realized that I would kill an animal with my own hands if I needed to.
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If I were allowed to eat the puppy afterwards, then yes. I could do it for much less.
My diet does occassionally consist of meat, so I don't see any difference in killing a pig for food and killing a dog for food. Might as well do it by myself to be sure that they die as much of a painless death as possible.
First thought: Yeah! For those kinds of money ...
After thinking of the implications: Nope. Couldn't do it. Can't even hurt ugly animals.
Definitely. I've killed rabbits I raised to eat them, I could definitely kill a puppy for that kind of money. Cute shouldn't carry so much weight in this world... Looks are quite a bit overrated. Does the puppy have a good personality? Probably not as much yet, since it's just a puppy. Easier to kill a puppy than a full-grown dog who has a fully-developed brain (dog brain, at least) and has formed memories, behaviors, bonds and allegiances.
Watching the evolution of responses over the course of nearly 3 years is fascinating.

My initial answer: Yes, and much for the reasons outlined previous to mine- What's one puppy to the countless animals that have already been slaughtered to sustain me?

Upon further contemplation, would I kill my gf's puppy for the same sum? Of course not. By killing that puppy I would be affecting everyone who has ever interacted with said puppy. The only way to absolve oneself of moral fault would be to discuss the matter with everyone involved (the puppy, my gf, her family, etc) and possibly collude until all parties agreed; an impossible conclusion.

So what makes my gf's puppy any more valuable than this random puppy? I'm sure this puppy would have the same sentimental strings attached, and thus to kill this random puppy would incur the same catastrophe, also no less tumultuous than the death of my gf's puppy as valuing the emotions of my gf's party more than the random puppy's party would be demeaning to the human condition.

One could say that the same argument could be made for the animals from which my meals originate. To this I argue that these animals were bred purely to be consumed. Their relation to human emotion is nonexistent, and thus the cost of their deaths does not outweigh the gain in food. It should be noted that considering animal emotion to have equal priority to human emotion would be self-destructive.

I wrote this quickly and might be hard to follow. Will likely edit later
I think a true question is being realized here. The rational mind suggests that killing a puppy is no different then killing any other animal. Yet, depending on where you were raised, a dog is a companion and not food. It seems that the environment we are raised in, plays a substantial role in how we see and interact with the world.

I could kill a puppy bound for death anyway. I could euthanize the puppy easily under these terms. Not knowing the puppies fate would make killing it more difficult if not impossible. Asking me to strangle a puppy bound for death anyway, more difficult... on and on. All centered around the value of a puppy over any other animal.

When I watch a movie where a person dies, I am almost completely insensitive to it unless there has been good character build up. Any time a dog dies, I feel angry and want the person responsible for its death punished. Why? Why do I have emotions for dogs and not people?

Note: This reminds me one of the last times I felt my heart was the movie "I am legend" during the zombie dog scene. That really tore me up bad. Thought about it for weeks afterward. Wanted to punch stuff every time I did.
I'd kill the one who killed the poppy for the same amount of money.

I'd probably bind them and unleash on them a pack of big hungry dogs, I'll just blow up their brains from afar with a rifle after awhile, if I must take the deathblow for the deal.

Detailed enough? lol, do I have to explain my plans for the kidnapping? ^^
Detailed enough? lol, do I have to explain my plans for the kidnapping? ^^

Lure them in under the ruse of a hostel-style puppy-killing experience getaway weekend?
Lure them in under the ruse of a hostel-style puppy-killing experience getaway weekend?
