I don't believe that it's ok to do something that is ethically wrong, even if the end result gives more happiness overall. I'm not very big fan of Utilitarian ethics. In my culture, killing a a dog would be morally wrong thing to do. So I wouldn't kill a puppy. If I lived in a culture or in a situation where it was norm that people ate dogs, and people were very hungry, I think I could kill a puppy.
It is noble way to think that you could give the money to someone who needs it. But did you make someone unhappy by killing the puppy? And then there is the question how much happiness does money give? Is it worth it? I don't believe so, that in my culture it would be worth it. Maybe I'm just too spoiled and have too much money.
You bring up excellent points. Some cultures eat dogs. Our culture eats cows which are considered a holy animal in other country's making it even worse then killing dogs.
So "ethically" wrong is a matter of personal perspective don't you think?
I could say I believe all life is sacred. I coould say I have the hardest time killing ants and will go out of my way not to. At the same time, I love a good steak. To say you have a problem killing a dog but not a cow...well I would question your sanity should you choose to.