Dares, Dreams, Does
- Enneagram
- 1w2
I know it may seem self-righteous of me to say that I wouldn't kill a puppy but I'd down a burger if I felt like it, but for me, certain animals fall into the "food" categories while other fall into the "extension of the human family" category. Hypocritical, maybe. I bet people's answers would be far different if the question were, would you kill a cow/chicken/whatever your favorite meat dish is here for $1000000.
A chicken yes, for that price? yes..
A cow, I do not think I could do unless starving they're kinda cute in their own way,
I wouldn't be able to do the chicken if I had seen it grow up and cared for it though.
I'm fine with watching other people butcher those though. but puppies hell no