butt fros and asian purrs
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[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION] you should change your name to Dr. Demento
The reason I'm bringing vegetarianism into it is in an attempt to get people to think about how arbitrary their moral choices are, to say: I will make a decision to finance the institutionalised slaughter of animals through a lifetime of commissions that place the life of the animal at a low monetised value, yet I am above exchanging a single, preferred variety of animal life for a much higher monetary value. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing; one hand is patting the self on the back for unselfishly sparing the life of a precious animal, while the other hand is reaching out for animal flesh with perhaps only tokenistic restraint.
Though I agree with what you're saying I feel it's still coming from the perspective that people only become vegetarians because they value animal life. And it also hints to the idea that vegetarians are more moral because of this choice. This is simply not true. Many vegetarians practice it for their own selfish reasons, because they think it'll make them live longer with better health and they don't give a crap about the animals they are "saving'. Many vegetarians are just as immoral as any other meat eater. Saying that a meat eater's choice of not killing a puppy is proof that their moral choices are arbitrary, in my opinion, is a poor argument. Just saying.
Most vegetarians do become vegetarian because they value animal life. I've never, ever heard a vegetarian say they they really don't give a shit about animals, so that although I don't see any reason why people like that wouldn't exist, it would be a very small group of people. Usually when you become a vegetarian, the other reasons why it works for you kind of follow on along. Oh, this is also healthy for me. Oh, meat tastes kind of all the same. Oh, this is also not a bad environmental decision. etc.
I see no reason to interrogate motivations for what is basically a moral choice. I suspect the motivations don't matter so much if the outcomes are good. One does one's best. Is it necessary to make out that people refrain from rape because they selfishly want to stay out of prison? It's partly quite true, but who cares?
Frankly, I don't care about the pissing contest. What astonishes me is the unwillingness of many people who eat meat to critically consider moral dimensions of their choice. There's very little of "I choose to eat meat and it's a morally compromised choice". There's more like "Vegetarians are evil too!" Yeah, whatever.
People will say they love animals but never think twice about feeding animals to their pet and themselves. There are even people on this thread who are like "HOW COULD U KILL A CUTE LITTLE PUPPY FOR AN ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING AMOUNT OF MONEY U MONSTER!!!! WHEN I EAT THE PUPPIES AND KITTENS OF OTHER SPECIES EVERY DAY!!!! NOW PASS ME THE BACON!!!!!" It's bullshit.
What astonishes me is the downright self-righteousness of some vegetarians that think they're above everyone else in their morality because they don't kill animals to eat. Like that is the only thing wrong with humans as a species. If you buy plastic containers that house your food and drink from the grocery you are one of the biggest pollution enablers in the world. What is equally astonishing is how these so called people of high morality always and endlessly fail to look into the mirror at their own faults. And, I don't eat meat, by the way. But I eat fish so I guess I'm fueling the fishing industry that will one day wipe out all the ocean's aquatic life. Hitler was a vegetarian, lest we forget. All the self-righteous vegetarians can shove their holier-than-thou morality up their asses.
And this is exactly why this thread is beloved by some and despised by others because of the drama it creates. Lets not allow the things that divide us as people divide us a friends.
And this is exactly why this thread is beloved by some and despised by others because of the drama it creates. Lets not allow the things that divide us as people divide us a friends.
Sorry, I don't think I'm being unfriendly at all. I'm just trying to discuss the issue frankly and respectfully.![]()
IF you ever killed a mosquito then you are such a liar right now >: )![]()
I think you don't like puppy/dogs.i'll kill it for free.
I would ask why. If the puppy is already dying with some sort of sickness or suffering from something internally or has a disease that'll affect the greater good and i'm just mercy killing it then......
What kind of killing though? I can, if it doesn't involve blood.....
not just for the money. I can live without that money but I cannot live in good conscience that i actually killed a puppy for some money. That's just terrible.
I could kill a person though.![]()
Infjs have some of the worst value systems.
Uuuhhhh ok thats not how it worksOr maybe just me. Although i don't claim to be a pure infj.