Would You Own A Self-Driving Car?

Yes. I just wouldn’t allow it to drive itself in a parking lot with humans walking around not watching where they’re going.
Honestly I don't think we are going to get the opportunity to own them, by the time everything switches to self driving cars owning your own car will be a moot point. We will be renting them like an Uber ride.

So would I rent one? Yes because I will have no choice by then
Yes, but only if I'm legally permitted to ride as a passenger with no vigilance over the system. I'm unwilling to be held responsible if the car crashes in self-driving mode.
It's amazing how many people are willing to help train the systems by sitting alert behind the wheel and taking over when things go wrong. Most folk want to do other stuff and not be a baby sitter. I get it. There is nothing relaxing about city traffic and watching over a "student driver" makes it to my top 10 worst jobs list.

Anyway, for them to be useful in the future someone has to train the systems now and there are plenty of drivers paying for the right to do so.
I wouldn’t buy a Tesla for the self-driving ability, but for that amazing crumple zone up front. 95% of injury and death in head on collisions are due to the engine being pushed into the drivers cabin and crushing pelvices and torsos.