Who here would say, "No I would not?"
In your defense, sacrificing ones life for a baby that has no present significance in your life is a bit masochistic.
It would be VERY difficult not to consider the impact it would have on my children's lives by not doing a quick evaluation to ascertain the possible outcomes.
With that said, I'm really good at multi tasking so I would be actively looking for options to save that child while also remembering my own children.
The question is not a fair question. Its almost impossible to know what one would do until they were actually in that situation. To not suggest you would be sacrificial seems heartless but to be sacrificial also seems masochistic and even more heartless if you have people who need you for their survival.
It's easy to judge a person by their response to such a question. Obviously, nobody wants to deny help to a defensless child who can't help their self - it's a tragedy.
I say, do everything you can. Recognize you're not a fireman, that the firemen would in fact tell you not to enter the building. But still make an effort.
Personally, I would risk being burned. I would probably take more risk then a reasonable person. I mean what kind of father would I be if the example I set is to turn a blind eye to a baby about to die. It would be hard to look my children in the eyes with any conviction if I didn't try in every way I could.