Your age vs. others' perception of your age

Should be required to post your selfie for this thread.
People think I'm only five. I'm 26.

Good genes and exercise, you know? :m1:

Well YAAH. I assumed you were around 4, maybe 5, yrs of age. This was my main reason for befriending you. I hoped to get close enough so that I may one day drink your young, virgin blood.

Please tell me it's not too late...?? :drama:
25, often regarded as 5-10 years younger by strangers. So far, that's been more of a disadvantage than an advantage. A student younger than me by 5 years gets served alcohol but they wouldn't serve me because I 'just look so young'. I think I was 23 then. Or I go to Ohio with a friend after graduating from university, and this random elderly woman catches my gaze and comes over, putting her motherly arm around me and asks why aren't I in school today. My extroverted friend had a good laugh.
People tend to think I'm 16-18 when I have a book bag on and no makeup. If I have makeup and no book bag, people assume I'm in my early 20s. If I'm dressed up, then they tend to think I'm older. If I have on heavier makeup and heels, people think I'm in my 30s. So it really depends.

I'm 25.
I have a beard most of the time. Folks thought I was older when I was in my twenties, but now it's par for the age.

In the rare instance where I shave it off, I get immediate comments about looking older. I reckon the age lines start to show.
At 22-24 people thought I was 27 or around there.

25 now, but it seems my chronological age has caught up to my appearance.
Older by the way i speak, write. And i mean, way older. My age, slightly older by appereance, depending if i grow my beard or not, which is usually not the case.
Always looked younger than I was, which bothered me for years. Was told the other day that someone thought I looked older than my elder brother which resulted in:


When you're approaching mid thirties you don't want to be told you look old.


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Always looked younger than I was, which bothered me for years. Was told the other day that someone thought I looked older than my elder brother which resulted in:


When you're approaching mid thirties you don't want to be told you look old.

I'm about 1.5 times your age.
Sometimes I act 3 times that.
Sometimes 1/3 of that.
Sometimes people don't know what to think.
Sometimes. :D
Perpetual Youth: Peter Pan: Puer aeternus (physically; not psychologically)

I am 35 but 2 guys at work were like you are 27 but I said I am 35. I think it is because my face looks younger than it actually is and my body(frame) looks young-ish for my age I guess.
I look about 24 to 25 - much younger than my actual age. I kind of like it because I know it will be at advantage when I am much older. Passing off as a hot 55 year old but Ill be actually like 62 or

I think your genetics and state of health plays a HUGE role in the way one ages. Stress, cigarettes, drinking and being overweight doesn't help- we can get away with it in our earlier years but not so much as our aging bodies call for healthier lifestyles.
im usually perceived as younger than i am, even though im bald. my brother is 3 years younger than me and people always think he is my older brother. when i was 30 i was still sometimes getting carded. its because ive got a bulbous baby animal shaped head and some slightly feminised features like soft looking flesh. i hate being treated like a child. i think my age is beginning to show these days though.
People have always thought I was younger, sometimes shockingly much younger. In third year of University, some old guy thought I was fresh out of highschool. When I was finishing my Masters, people approached me thinking I was a first year. In my late twenties I get offered student prices or asked which highschool I go to. I'm still ready to show my ID when I buy alcohol and I'm now 32.
My partner has fun asking new people how old they think we are ( we're only 6 days apart in age). It's always the same, he'd be a few years older while I'd be 5 years younger.
I don't think people actually look at my face, just the way I dress and act. I tend to stare at nothing and look uninterested. Or so I've been told. It's no longer surprising or embarrassing for me now. I just wonder if I'll ever look my age.