There's a spiritual strand of thought in Jewish and Christian mysticism that involves the concept of spiritually progressing by way of maturing, but which ultimately culminates in becoming childlike - simple and filled with easy awe and joy. Some Rabbis would eventually do such crazy things in the public squares that people thought they were mad (and maybe some were), but they were just been kids, and were seeking to dismiss the grand accolades people would bestow on them 'as holy and proper men'. When people are free enough to be themselves and whip that inner child out, it's a spectacle to behold! (But yes, I need to be comfortable enough too, in order 'to go to town' on it). Everyone needs to wee their pants with hysterics every now and again. Been told one needs therapy following such bouts of silliness, is one of the greatest compliments one can receive. Speaking of which, you better book yourself in.