Your immediate needs are met. What now?

Lets say you got rich enough that you had a house paid off and all ongoing needs met: food, property taxes, medical needs, etc. resulting in not needing to work anymore in general.
  1. Is this desirable or not? Explain.
  2. What would you do with yourself day to day?
  3. What do you need in your life to stay healthy when basic needs are all met?

It's very desirable. I would give up work and could have a baby with my partner, without us having to worry about our income, maternity leave, childcare.

I would volunteer more hours per week. I volunteer a few hours already and enjoy it. It would also be nice to have free time for my hobbies too - playing guitar, piano, writing, swimming, gardening.. (At the moment I don't watch any TV and limit the amount of time I spend online, so I have some time for my hobbies. Nothing wrong with these activities I just felt I was wasting my free time).

Not much else. Just some quiet time for meditation.
I’ve found myself ruminating a lot on money and finances lately. I’m not rich in any sense of the word but have been thinking about the infinite paths that I could take which could lead to wealth or ruin. In contemplating that, a significant question arose, namely, “For what?”

Lets say you got rich enough that you had a house paid off and all ongoing needs met: food, property taxes, medical needs, etc. resulting in not needing to work anymore in general.
  1. Is this desirable or not? Explain.
  2. What would you do with yourself day to day?
  3. What do you need in your life to stay healthy when basic needs are all met?
You may be able to guess my thoughts on this, but I’d like to hear what others think.
I will establish my on science facility, mars terraforming mission and be the first visitor.