- Enneagram
- 1w2 sx/so/sp
I think a thread on this would be good. I know you hit on this before but I can't find the posts where.
I second this. Reason being is I have for a very long time disagreed with the ENTP/INFJ matchup.
I think a thread on this would be good. I know you hit on this before but I can't find the posts where.
I second this. Reason being is I have for a very long time disagreed with the ENTP/INFJ matchup.
It's pretty simple. The Ni, Fe, Ti, and Se combo makes for a very exclusive club. No one else gets us, nor can they meet our standards.
NFJs are best paired with other NFJs because we have the same expectations and quirks. Fe makes us really difficult to deal with but also makes us have a hard time appreciating anyone who doesn't meet the standards that we set for ourselves and others. Ni makes us very much intuitive and direct all at once. We're best paired with our own kind.
STPs make a very good second pick for NFJs because we're the same, just on a broader level. We share Ni, Fe, Ti, and Se. ISTPs are better for us than ESTPs because they share our need for tranquility, but ESTPs may be a better match for a female INFJ. While they're more down to earth and live in the moment more, STPs share our direct approach to life and we can admire each other because our aspirations are in one another.
Other types can do very well outside their 'box', and in fact some types require it. Types that have Ne can greatly appreciate those who are different than themselves. Types that have Fi can pair with any other type who doesn't expect anything from them. This means that the best type for an ENTP is an INTP or an INFP. The best type for an ENFP is an INFP or an INTJ. I'm not going to bother getting into the S types, other than to say that they all seem to do pretty well with each other except for STJs and SFPs who can clash quite a bit... but then STJs clash with pretty much everyone, even themsleves. It's what they do.
Those that are not NFJs or STPs may get along well with us for some time, and are usually well served by us, but eventually we will grow tired of the conflict and clashes and want to leave. It'll take us quite a while to get out of one of these relationships because we don't want to hurt the people we're in them with. So, be warned. If you get into a relationship with one of these, it is likely to turn sour, and may leave you in an emotional quagmire for far longer than you intended to be.
I'm currently with an ENTJ and it is great so far. The only issue that has come up is we are both really afraid of overstepping boundaries with each other. Also, it is impossible for me to read him (I have to teach myself how, and it is a work in progress), which is a stressor for me.
Other then that though, it is great. For me ENTJ is really the best type. I don't know if this is the case for other INFJ's, but it works for me because I wouldn't be able to deal with another feeler, as I have my own emotions to deal with, I need someone extroverted to get me out of my shell, and so communications lines are open. I need someone who has a good handle on Ni, so it boils down to ENTJ.
So really, I think (depending on the person) either ENTJ or ENFJ would be the best match for an INFJ.
I laughed to myself, but I don't think any type would naturally pick an INTJ. /Sigh
I don't know why I keep testing as ENTJ's now..