Okej, my turn...
I know a lot,
. understand a lot,
.. complex ideas and simple facts,
I have a kind heart
. strive to make the best of things for everyone
.. and struggle to keep the hearts of men open for eachother
I'm not envious, not competitive, nor am I keen to getting it my way
. but I still know when things get bad, and aren't afraid to lift my voice
.. so that others don't have to
But all of this,
. every single bit,
.. is nothing when I'm dead.
It's all gonna fade away
. my mind's gonna lose
.. my heart's gonna stop.
And the only thing I now know
. that's worth living for
.. is my life with Christ.
For everything else is momentarily.
(I don't like to writing these words in english, for it sounds so "cliche". I'm not an American, I'm Swedish! )
I know that I have certain things in my life that I'm perticulary good at, better then others, and it's important to admit it for yourself to become whole - atleast for me. But I also know that these "things" aren't gonna make me (atleast me) happy. Even if I would become the best mathematician, lover or altruist, I have found that getting to know God is greater than all things. I talk from the heart, and not from what everybodyelse says. Trust me - I'm an INFJ
And the bad sides? Well, probably being unable to cherish what I'm good at, partly as a distorted consequence of the same thing I mentioned above. To get the right balance between admitting the joy and knowledge I get from my abilities and not losing my true joy in life - it's hard. Either I forget life (Christ), and strive to become "the best", or I find life, and forget to live.
One obvious anoying trait of me is that I tend to complicate things, as you can see... but for me it's also one of my abilities.