your most annoying trait or quirk

I pull out my eyebrow hair when I'm anxious. I also have a tendency to avoid shit until it becomes a problem. These are two things I'm working on.
Ohmygosh, ME TOO! OR I'll rub my eyebrow hairs back and forth.. which can make them come out.

I'll also do this when I'm perplexed, thinking about something that puzzles me.))

YEssss..... all of this. It's really bad. I try to work through my anxiety and talk it out with myself but sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. I try to rub instead but it doesnt work :/ We need to break this habit, its no bueno!
I don't pull out my eyebrows but I have pulled out the hair on my head. I also re-arrange furniture when I am stressed. In my head I think of it as making my space more efficient for movement, storing items, and mentally tranquil for a clear mind... However it will never be "right" no matter how many times I do it, and I do it to the point of cutting up my hands, getting splinters, and actually from time to time accidentally breaking my furniture. I don't touch anyone's furniture but my own for that reason -_-;
I curse/cuss too much.
Although, supposedly people who curse live longer and are less stressed as it provides an outlet.
Still…too fucking much.
My mood can change from "life of the party" to "stay the fuck away from me or I'm going to kill you" within the same 24 hour period. To me it seems perfectly natural, but I know it must piss other people off.
Kind of selfish at times. Maybe it's the Enneagram 4 speaking? Also, I talk very fast (chirp, almost) when I'm nervous, and forget to breath in between sentences.
I remember EVERYTHING. I don't know how its possible but I can recall conversations word for word, whether they were texts or emails or verbally spoken. I can describe where we were, what we were wearing, the temperature, the smells, the sounds and the atmosphere. And it's like every thought I've ever had is constantly in my mind, bursting to get out.

Has anyone else wanted to literally take their brain out so that you can just... sleep?

Everything that I am is annoying to me - how I look at the world that apparently no-one else I know does. I am frequently told that I am odd.

I only discovered that I am an INFJ 24 hours ago... its wonderful to consider that these things are simply quirks :)
I am so much in my head all the time that I don't observe the world around me. This means that I can have someone that I know very well in the car next to mine waving madly at me and I will not see them. It also means that I will trip on a step going into a room despite the sign that says 'watch your step' and then proceed to trip on it on the way out as well.
I take things way too seriously sometimes.
easily irritated,
overthinking; paranoia; anxiety.
arrogance, the need to be right, a lack of empathy sometimes,
trusting the wrong people, being easily attached, can be controlling at times,
expect people to understand without doing so.
I feel like I talk to people I like too much. And maybe I spend too much time in the bathroom.
Oh my god, so many familiar answers.

I would say mine are:
- interrupting people as I know (or I believe I know) what they are going to say and I get bored of waiting for the end of the sentence.
- second-guessing practically every single decision.
- my moods come and go.
- paranoia, absolutely, but I actually end up being right more often than not so it only feels like paranoia at the time.
I can interrupt people who are speaking..(squirrel!)
I’m not trying to be rude…it more like I know that my brain will focus on something else and I will forget what I wanted to say if I don’t blurt it out sometimes.
And it isn’t that I find what the other person who is talking is disinteresting either…its more like missing a turn while driving…you are still driving or riding but that way you really wanted to go isn’t where you ended up.
It’s a work in progress.

I can so relate to that!
Man, it's debressing reading all this. Sure it's good to know your weaknessess, but wouldn't it be better to focus on the brightest sides of yourself, if one of your bad sides are being too harsh on yourself?

What I mean is, that there should be an topic that lifts up eachother and ourselfs, instead of the opposite. Just saying...
Man, it's debressing reading all this. Sure it's good to know your weaknessess, but wouldn't it be better to focus on the brightest sides of yourself, if one of your bad sides are being too harsh on yourself?

What I mean is, that there should be an topic that lifts up eachother and ourselfs, instead of the opposite. Just saying...

Let’s start!
I am a badass in surgery…I always have a cool head while the world falls apart around me…I can read people almost instantly, though I always try to reserve judgement…I have green eyes, while everyone else (5 kids total) besides my Dad has brown (my Sister is quite jealous hehe)…I learn and retain almost everything I read or hear someone teach me (provided I am interested)…I can relate to people instantly when I meet them, and can put them at ease…I am a good Father to my Son, and am quite proud of the young man he has become…I hold no grudges, ever, it is not worth my time spent on negativity.

Your turn Sir!
Let’s start!
I am a badass in surgery…I always have a cool head while the world falls apart around me…I can read people almost instantly, though I always try to reserve judgement…I have green eyes, while everyone else (5 kids total) besides my Dad has brown (my Sister is quite jealous hehe)…I learn and retain almost everything I read or hear someone teach me (provided I am interested)…I can relate to people instantly when I meet them, and can put them at ease…I am a good Father to my Son, and am quite proud of the young man he has become…I hold no grudges, ever, it is not worth my time spent on negativity.

Your turn Sir!
Okej, my turn...

I know a lot,
. understand a lot,
.. complex ideas and simple facts,
I have a kind heart
. strive to make the best of things for everyone
.. and struggle to keep the hearts of men open for eachother
I'm not envious, not competitive, nor am I keen to getting it my way
. but I still know when things get bad, and aren't afraid to lift my voice
.. so that others don't have to

But all of this,
. every single bit,
.. is nothing when I'm dead.
It's all gonna fade away
. my mind's gonna lose
.. my heart's gonna stop.
And the only thing I now know
. that's worth living for
.. is my life with Christ.

For everything else is momentarily.​

(I don't like to writing these words in english, for it sounds so "cliche". I'm not an American, I'm Swedish! ;))

I know that I have certain things in my life that I'm perticulary good at, better then others, and it's important to admit it for yourself to become whole - atleast for me. But I also know that these "things" aren't gonna make me (atleast me) happy. Even if I would become the best mathematician, lover or altruist, I have found that getting to know God is greater than all things. I talk from the heart, and not from what everybodyelse says. Trust me - I'm an INFJ ;)

And the bad sides? Well, probably being unable to cherish what I'm good at, partly as a distorted consequence of the same thing I mentioned above. To get the right balance between admitting the joy and knowledge I get from my abilities and not losing my true joy in life - it's hard. Either I forget life (Christ), and strive to become "the best", or I find life, and forget to live.

One obvious anoying trait of me is that I tend to complicate things, as you can see... but for me it's also one of my abilities.