Normal Weirdo :)
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- 296 sx/so
Cute convo.Hi all, so last week I watched a video from INTJ & INFP Coffee and the INTJ there (Alex) mentioned that her mum is an ESFJ, just like mine, which got me wondering if there's any pattern between the types of our parents and our types.
In my case, I'm an INTJ and my mum is an ESFJ. While I was raised just by my mum after the age of about 5, I reckon that my dad was probably either an INTJ or INFJ from what my mum has said. I'll post a little conversation we had about it today (anonymised) so you can see how I came to that conclusion (also she's cute).
So guys, what about your parents? What were they like, what types do you think they were/are, and how do you think that has influenced your own personality type?
Dad = ESTJ Very strict, very stubborn, doesn't value emotion but reason (only his own though) very racist, very opinionated, veryyy controlling , demands respect, egotistical, confident, very funny, Trump Supporter, cares a lot about repuation and image, objectified women, superficial in relationships, overabundance of pride except his living conditions (we grew up in a bad area in a mobile home and he wasn't ashamed at all) made sure i wore name brand clothes, loved to party until very recently, very good with money but earned it illegally, offended easily, very quick to anger and will fight in a heartbeat.. provoked fear and respect in me and *tried* to teach me morals and whatnot but i already had my own and they surpassed his in certain ways... but the way he provided, protected, and made sure i had everything i needed (except emotionally, -he never considered my feelings) made me respect him and i do love him and am very grateful for him. Especially now, if it weren't for him, I'd be without many things. He still provides for me.
Mom = ESFJ
Loved to party in younger years, alcoholic in later years, picks spouse over her children, codependant, very religious now, not an original thought in her brain/ looks to others to know how to feel and think, usually just assumes whatever her current bf or husband needs... no deep thinking but this was actually very helpful sometimes when i would overthink, more of a friend than a mother, theres not much to say about her because shes really simple. But even after a huge betrayal, i love her so. I miss her so damn much. But bc of the betrayal situation we don't get to hang out much.
I'm very much aware my parents are very much a huge reason i have so many issues. But they are also sorta responsible for the good in me
I got mommy and daddy issues come at me bros
But damn, I love them even though what i described was mainly negative.
My sister is INFP and she was raised by mom and i was raised by dad. Huge differences in morals, and promiscuity and drugs and things of other differences but we used to be close before she helped my mom betray me just to gey back at my dad. I miss the good ole days...
Anyway yeah i'm just fucked in the head all the way around