Your Parents (and Their Types)

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FP parents can be a bit overprotective (especially IFP), while TP parents can be too loose and un-involved. This is probably the worst type of parent.

I wouldn't say 'worst type of parent'. My INTP father was looser and less involved than my ESFJ mother (whether that was type-related or because he was the father and, therefore, taking the traditional fatherly role of the time period) but my mother was by far the worse parent because she didn't understand me and just wanted me to fit in and be what people are supposed to be no matter the cost. My father offered literature, philosophy, creativity, deep thought....

My mother was a caregiver by nature, worked at a hospital and worked as a daycare provider for a while. She excelled at this. As a parent it was, "Do things this way. There are no other choices. Fitting in is survival!" She said the meaning of her life was to be a mother, though. Don't get it wrong, though, I miss her like crazy.
Yes, of course. I think NTPs are usually better parents than STPs, because they are more talkative, curious, engaging etc. Also, usually more nuanced with feeling and more self aware. Well, at least I know I am compared to my mom and uncle.

Sounds like your dad was great, and mom too, in her own way. It sounds like they balanced each other well and you got both love and care from your mom, but also understanding and deep thought from your dad.

I hope me and my INFJ gf will do the same for our kids in the future. In fact, I am sure we will. :grinning:
Yes, of course. I think NTPs are usually better parents than STPs, because they are more talkative, curious, engaging etc. Also, usually more nuanced with feeling and more self aware. Well, at least I know I am compared to my mom and uncle.

Being an Intuitive in a Sensor household seems like a great challenge.
From observation, Sensors seem to be focused on: You need to change to do things this way. Intuitives are more focused on: I don't fit in, please accept me.
Maybe the exception here is ISFPs, who tend to be a group full of unique people.

Sounds like your dad was great, and mom too, in her own way. It sounds like they balanced each other well and you got both love and care from your mom, but also understanding and deep thought from your dad.

I hope me and my INFJ gf will do the same for our kids in the future. In fact, I am sure we will. :grinning:

<3 I hope so, too! Sounds like a plan for you both!

I am lucky. I had good parents, a good family, and a good childhood. There were definitely some issues with my mom, like the fact that her plan for me was exclusively to marry well (not to a good person, but to a person with money and social clout) and be "taken care of" and she actively squashed all of my goals and interests. The end result is that I struggle with careers, but I'm excellent at being married and being a "good wife", and I went down a path that I perceived as my only choice and it was, honestly, the wrong path for me. From her point of view, marrying well and having babies was what women were supposed to do and I needed to go along with it to survive. Ironically, if I'd followed one of the paths that was most "right for me" that she rejected I'd likely have ended up exactly where she wanted me to be. My older cousin, whom I admired and aspired to be like, followed that path and married quite well.

My mom did approve of my husband, and i'm happy he and I are together. I also have a good life now, but that path I didn't get to follow would have been better for me (on a personal level.)
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It's unfortunate because it's made me REALLY unable to relate to and cope with sensor personality types.

My parental grandmother is INTJ and grandfather INTP

my maternal grandmother is INFP

So it was a strange upbringing

Wow. I wonder what the odds are of having only intuitives among your parents/grandparents. Probably pretty low.
I think my father is either an isfp or an infp, i don't really know why though, i made him make the test but showed infj, i am not very sure about that test anyway.
My mother is either an isfj or an istj. She is very neat and strict about cleanliness and order.
My sibling is an intp.
I've always been curious about my mom's personality, and after spending a good amount of time during the holidays around her, I am 100% certain she has Te in her lower-half of the stack, so a likely ISFP

I know it could just be me, but inferior Te is royally fucking annoying if it's unregulated
father was an ESTP. . at least that is my best guess. . mom.INFJ. .without a doubt. it was a difficult house to navigate, so I spent most of my time in my room, or out of the house all together.

I'm sorry... I loved having an INTJ dad.

I have to wonder what a normal ESTP dad is like as a parent. We've all seen DJT but he's a narcissist sociopath. (My ex was much the same.)
Father: INTP
Mother: ESFJ
Odyne: INTJ
Sister: INFP
Husband: ESTJ
Son: L.O.V.E

: )
My mum is ESFJ, too, and my dad was probably INTJ. Didn't know you identified as everyone's favourite internet edgelords, either. Hmm... another score in that ESFJ+INTx = INTJ box.
Mother: ISFJ
Father: ISTJ
Sister: ISFJ

Me: I don't know. Bird swears I'm an ENTJ, but I can't accept the 'E'. I find the enneagram to be a lot more relatable.

I find SJ's really, really difficult to be around.
This is what we have so far:

Obviously what sticks out is the INTJ father, ESFJ mother. This is curious to me because one of my close friends (I have 4 in that category) is an ESFJ woman, and there's always been a strange magnetism between us - I'm not sure why we are friends, but we are. I had to swerve a kiss from her on one occasion when she was blackout drunk, and there's a lot of comfortable chemistry between us. Interesting.
This is what I think they are:

Father: ENTJ
Mother: ENFJ
Sister: INTJ (only sibling)

I am very close to my mother because of the Ni-Fe. My sister is close to my father (Ni-Te); and I don't think it has anything to do with the Freudian explanation... ha ha. My father and I had seriously disagreements on lot of things, and to some extent our egos are still clashing. Cognitive Wars!!

I speak emotions, and my father and my sister are expecting tangible explanations. What is holding this family together is NJ, that's all I can say. My parents have no idea they are handling introverts... ha ha

This is what we have so far:

Obviously what sticks out is the INTJ father, ESFJ mother. This is curious to me because one of my close friends (I have 4 in that category) is an ESFJ woman, and there's always been a strange magnetism between us - I'm not sure why we are friends, but we are. I had to swerve a kiss from her on one occasion when she was blackout drunk, and there's a lot of comfortable chemistry between us. Interesting.

Maybe, it's the freshness of her dominant extraverted feeling that is creating attraction. One of my friends is INFP with Fi, and he used to be amazed everytime his INFJ girlfriend expressed her emotions so freely.
I suppose we could add to the list my son, who is INFJ:

His mom would be me, so INFJ
His dad was ESFJ (or ESFP, had issues so his personality was a roll of the dice)

My Aunt on my mom's side was also INFJ. Cannot type her parents though, just a curious thought that we have 3 in one family. Then again, everyone in my generation and younger is very STEM oriented here. Might have something to do with the big push toward engineering from all sides.
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