Your perception creates your reality🦋


What you believe to see is what you experience and that will be your reality

The way you perceive things creates your reality and how you experience the experiences in life.

Therefore, joy is being experienced by the perception of things.

It is not to be found external, but to be created from within.
Keep twisting my arm and it will break, but don't expect me to find joy in the experience.

I'm all for cultivation of the mind, but I can't stomach the stoic victim blaming. People can become miserable through no fault of their own, and failure to acknowledge that means you lack empathy.
Ultimately true, but I would not tell someone who was raped that they should have relaxed, and enjoyed it, and to find the good in it afterwards, as was told to me.

Yes, find a way to be happy, but also understand there are limits on that which are situational, of ability, and resources.

And I will say this: if you should come to experience nerve pain, and maintain your countenance and disposition, I will renounce my worldly possessions and address you as Master.

Keep twisting my arm and it will break, but don't expect me to find joy in the experience.

I'm all for cultivation of the mind, but I can't stomach the stoic victim blaming. People can become miserable through no fault of their own, and failure to acknowledge that means you lack empathy.
Well ive suffered a lot mentally and emotionally before in life and ive observed how things worked then ive started to use it for own benefit..
Before went life went up and down i went with it like a jojo...
Nowadays im more stable and i get joy out of many things noways..
My whole perspective in life has changed and im happy on a daily basis....
When i wake up realize im still here its reason enough for me to become joyful.

Offcourse there are always arguments..
But i believe experiencing innerpeace, joy and love is the most valuable and if i can have positive influence to have it or maintain it then im very happy to do so....

I Use what i write about...💖
Ultimately true, but I would not tell someone who was raped that they should have relaxed, and enjoyed it, and to find the good in it afterwards, as was told to me.

Yes, find a way to be happy, but also understand there are limits on that which are situational, of ability, and resources.

And I will say this: if you should come to experience nerve pain, and maintain your countenance and disposition, I will renounce my worldly possessions and address you as Master.

To be honest physical pain is something else......i can also not find a way to look at it joyfully and become joyful...

But i believe mentally you can control your emotions and state of being..
I Believe experiencing innerpeace, joy and love gives the most quality in life and if i can have a positive influence on that im very happy to do so..

What i write about i use myself to gain more quality in life...

But nobody has to listen to me offcourse💖
But i believe mentally you can control your emotions and state of being.
Inasmuch as emotions are precognitive, there is no control of them. Of course you can deny them, sublimate them, dissociate, and so on, but there is no control of them. You can, of course, not react, or act based on them, which is where one’s control and choice is.

State of being? Sure, in normative circumstances. But after the trauma of rape, when your brain in awash in norepinephrine and cortisol, and your low-level brain systems disconnect you from memory integration such that stimuli become somatic, good luck. You’re no longer steering the ship. You are relieved of your usual faculties in a state of full limbic arousal.

Control is largely an illusion based on ego-centered consciousness. I don’t mean to say it doesn’t have its uses in the day-to-day, but I also know its limits.

Also, if you’re interested in challenging yourself, check out the work of Robert Sapolsky. He would argue there is no free will, and therefore zero control in any aspect of life.

Keep twisting my arm and it will break, but don't expect me to find joy in the experience.

I'm all for cultivation of the mind, but I can't stomach the stoic victim blaming. People can become miserable through no fault of their own, and failure to acknowledge that means you lack empathy.
The way i mean it is like this:

A friend of me and i were working and we were getting rides, but he was looking negative at those rides , complaining , feeling bad, cursing..
I had the same rides, but i looked at them totally different more positive..
I was happy and didnt bother about things .
End of the day he had a bad day and i had a great day...
Keep twisting my arm and it will break, but don't expect me to find joy in the experience.

I'm all for cultivation of the mind, but I can't stomach the stoic victim blaming. People can become miserable through no fault of their own, and failure to acknowledge that means you lack empathy.
I use it like this:

To me experiencing innerpeace, joy and love i value the most and i wish everyone would experience that all the time because a joyful person does not harm others and the world....

I know that if i am joyful and i feel good and happy and i will also do no harm to others...
But perhaps when im angry i could say or do something bad....

So when i notice i dont feel good or negative i figure our which external trigger it made me think in a way i start to feel bad....emotionally feeling bad i mean....
I had thoughts that might have upset me..
but i dont want to feel this way..
Then i talk to myself to make myself believe different about the situation, more positive...
I try to concince myself using different perspectives on the subject until i believe much more positive about the same situation.
When that happens , my emotions become much more nice and my state of being improves...
i gained again more quality in life😁
Inasmuch as emotions are precognitive, there is no control of them. Of course you can deny them, sublimate them, dissociate, and so on, but there is no control of them. You can, of course, not react, or act based on them, which is where one’s control and choice is.

State of being? Sure, in normative circumstances. But after the trauma of rape, when your brain in awash in norepinephrine and cortisol, and your low-level brain systems disconnect you from memory integration such that stimuli become somatic, good luck. You’re no longer steering the ship. You are relieved of your usual faculties in a state of full limbic arousal.

Control is largely an illusion based on ego-centered consciousness. I don’t mean to say it doesn’t have its uses in the day-to-day, but I also know its limits.

Also, if you’re interested in challenging yourself, check out the work of Robert Sapolsky. He would argue there is no free will, and therefore zero control in any aspect of life.

Hi Ian🙂

I Use it like this:

To me experiencing innerpeace, joy and love i value the most.
I dont like feeling any negativity inside of me.
I realize also that what i have i can give.
So if im joyful i can give joy to others.
But when im sad or angry what can i give to others?
So i realize the well being of myself is also important for my surroundings.

But most of all i enjoy the most out of what i feel inside of me..

So when i notice my state of being or emotions get disturbed in a negative way i try to figure out which external thing triggered thoughts in my head which i believed to be true and had impact negatively on my emotions and state of being...

Then i start to talk to myself using different perspective on the subject or even off the subject until i can convince myself to believe different about the situation.
I know when it worked, when my emotions and state of being become more pleasant for myself ....
To me to be able to have a positive influence on how you feel as much as you can is very vakuable...

Also, if you’re interested in challenging yourself, check out the work of Robert Sapolsky. He would argue there is no free will, and therefore zero control in any aspect of life.
Ian, I’m always unsettled by a position based on no free will. Of course if there is no free will then @Nikolai80 can’t be challenged in ethical terms on his views because he had no choice in making them. Nor did you in challenging them in such terms. My feeling is that if we have no free will then all debate that implies a moral choice is futile because the outcome cannot involve a real choice.
Ian, I’m always unsettled by a position based on no free will. Of course if there is no free will then @Nikolai80 can’t be challenged in ethical terms on his views because he had no choice in making them. Nor did you in challenging them in such terms. My feeling is that if we have no free will then all debate that implies a moral choice is futile because the outcome cannot involve a real choice.
Agreed, but I think it is an idea well-worth considering. Not that one should agree with it, or have to do so, but I tend to think those things which make us uncomfortable or unsettled are always worth a deeper look because they have the potential to facilitate self-discovery.

What you believe to see is what you experience and that will be your reality

The way you perceive things creates your reality and how you experience the experiences in life.

Therefore, joy is being experienced by the perception of things.

It is not to be found external, but to be created from within.
My subjective bias isn't a source of enjoyment, or empowerment, but a source of self skepticism.

I don't find any appeal in mentally diddling myself into an idiosyncratic utopia of subjectivity, because I'm interested in reality, which is much broader, varied, and complex than the infinitesimally tiny niche I occupy.
What you believe to see is what you experience and that will be your reality
This is one of those ideas that is easy to express yet fiendishly difficult to attain. It’s like saying let’s send a person to the nearest star system and return them safely to earth. It’s so easy to say yet so difficult to do, even if it's very desirable.

For example, what you are aiming at is at the core of Buddhism in it's aim to free each of us from suffering. Buddhists assume that to achieve such freedom takes many lifetimes. For most of us mortals, what may be an ideal of human perfection can seem like a cruel and unfair censure when taken over-simply.

I’m a Christian not a Buddhist, and there are similar ideals there on the road to sainthood, which is also very difficult for most of us mortals to achieve. So many Christian ideas have become cliched and outdated in popular western culture - yet the idea that life in this world means to live in a 'vale of tears' is as true now as it ever was. It’s not surprising that only a very few can see beyond their suffering to the beauty and the glory of ordinary existence - most of us can’t, and it’s not helpful to load guilt onto us on top of the trials we bear, yet this is always a risk when we are challenged to see that beauty and glory in spite of adversity and pain. I'm really glad that you are able to see beyond that to a more fundamental reality, but sadly it isn't something that most people who are lost in the pain of their lives can welcome and grasp, and to suggest otherwise can seem like an added burden rather than an escape even if that wasn't what was intended. I don't have any easy answers to this - only love and hope.
Agreed, but I think it is an idea well-worth considering. Not that one should agree with it, or have to do so, but I tend to think those things which make us uncomfortable or unsettled are always worth a deeper look because they have the potential to facilitate self-discovery.
It's a topic I find fascinating - to the risk of diverting the thread LOL. The thing is that to be well-worth considering implies that I have a choice, but that defeats the whole concept because if there is no free will then I have no choice, and any discussion is as determined as the position of the planets around the sun, or the flow of water along a river bed, and is lacking in any real meaning in ethical terms. It just becomes a game in cause and effect with no possible free selection by myself between alternatives.