Your preferred type for a "buddy".

I generally get along with anyone in the short term, but as far as long term buddies...

My best friends are NFJs, STPs, and NTJs. I or E preference is of little relevance to me, but then I'm extremely ambiverted. In all cases, I can hang out with these types almost indefinitely, so long as the groups are very small or one on one.

I have some NFPs that I dearly love, but we end up getting into profoundly heated arguments if we're not careful. NFPs make much better 'buddies' than just about any other type for me. They make good friend buddies and even better sex buddies, but long term relationships, whether friendly or romantic with NFPs always fall apart for me. We understand each other just enough to be fascinated, but not enough to make it work indefinitely.

I have some NTPs that are great fun, but I can only handle any of them in small doses. The ENTPs are too manic and nonsensical after a while, and the INTPs are too argumentative to enjoy spending a great deal of time with.
I love ENTJ's. They may not be very sympathetic people, but they're great to have in your corner, and they're great motivators. They're not one's to bullshit or beat around the bush. They're straight-shooters, and they will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I appreciate that honesty.

ESFJ's have a softer delivery as sympathetic friends, AND they've got the whole evening planned out. They seem to know everyone and anyone, and if you're having a night where you actually feel like going out to mingle, they're the buddies you call.

INFP's are great to bounce creative ideas off of, whereas ENTP's take on a more critical, creative approach... and so long as they've got the intellect and not just an inflated ego, philosophical debates with them are never dull.

But that's just my group of friends. I don't know many ST types it seems.
Hmm...the easiest people for me to be friends with tend to be nfs.

ESFPs are so crazy! I love them but sometimes their need to just "do" it is terrifying. In a good way.
Nice, friendly, open and happy. Any kind of person, animal or alien life form who is like that is always welcome in my company.
I love ENTJ's. They may not be very sympathetic people, but they're great to have in your corner, and they're great motivators. They're not one's to bullshit or beat around the bush. They're straight-shooters, and they will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I appreciate that honesty.

I wish I had more ENTJ friends (I know one and it is more of a romantic interest so it is in a different catagory). I think the thing is I am often repelled and or scared off by T types because of their inherent harshness, and general prefrance to not bothering initiating conversation (something I need). I really think they are an idea type for me.
ENTPS are fine for friendship. Not much else though unless you like penicillin a lot. WHORES. Just kidding. I don't know how loyal or reliable they are, but they good for a laugh. And good for getting into trouble and absurd adventures with. And when they start talking all crazy-like, its a thing of beauty actually. I like ENTPS, but only for play. But then again, I like most people on an individual basis.

I think I like infps the best, though. I tend to get along with them.
Aw shucks. My preferred buddy is Bored now.
My best two friends are ESTP and ENFJ. The ESTP is persistent, self-centered, and hyper. The ENFJ is moody, self-defeating, and unreliable.
But the ESTP has never let me down and is always there for me, and things never get boring. I can hang out with him for very long periods, and he doesn't judge me or make me feel insecure. The ENFJ is caring and charismatic, and we share a vibe to the point where it's almost creepy. If he was more consistent, we'd probably be really, really close.

INTJs are great as friends too; they're easy to get along with and make me feel comfortable. I don't feel as deep and bonding a connection with most of them, though.
I think I'd prefer ENTP, INFJ, or ISTP, I think. the problem is that I'm thinking of specific people with each of these. I can't really say what type. I'll be happy with anyone who just wants to hang out to be honest.

Hmm...the easiest people for me to be friends with tend to be nfs.

Yeah, I think for any type of relationship, friendship or romantic, NF would be the easiest, because it means that we would understand how each other's minds work, on a basic level.

TJ's.... can be hard to deal with. There is presently one who I get along with great. Others, they are just too judgmental and too busy talking about themselves and their ideas to pay attention to anyone else. With TJ's, I tend to find myself sitting there for hours trapped in a conversation going 'uh-huh, uh-huh...' And the other person is not even noticing that I am not interested.

Specific types:
INFJ: Great!
INFP: I haven't met one as far as I know, but might be OK.
ENFJ: Works pretty well.
ENFP: They are cute little balls of fun that bounce around from wall to wall to wall to wall.... lol. They can be sweet and a lot of fun, but sometimes exhausting, lol. Overall I'd say I get along well with them.
ESFP: Like ENFP, but more of an attention-seeker.... constantly out to 'do' something all the time. Can be OK sometimes for some types of friendship interactions.
ENTP: There seems to be a pretty good intellectual compatibility.
INTP: Ditto the above.
ENTJ: See the statement about TJ's above.
NTs and INFJs.
Loyalty, humour and intelligence, is what I look for in my relationships. I don't necessarily mean haha-humour, but I like witty people.

I like friendships where I can pick up the thread right away even though we haven't met in a while.
From what I've seen, I usually get along with the more mature folks of their type - the ones who really are comfortable in their skins.

I guess the ones I've had run-ins with have been ISTJ males and ESF/TJ females. My mother can be frustrating (very frustrating) and she's an ESTP.

Sometimes I have better luck with different sexes as well. I tend to get along better with INTP females than males (but that could be maturity levels, too) and I've enjoyed hanging around I/ENTJ males but the females are tougher to get along with.

Meh. I can get along with a variety of folks. But my best friend is an NF. Can't figure out the other parts of her, even though I've known her for more than 20 years.
Well, My best buddy her type is ENFP. And then I have another O.K. buddy who's ESFP. And I used to have an INTP friend but I got frustrated with his sudden happiness (apparently he was depressed and suddenly was lifted out of his depression- sadly, I liked him better depressed). And I have an INFJ friend I'm trying to get closer to but he's very reclusive.

But my buddies aren't really because I prefer them, that's just what I bought in a doughnut box.
Types aren't the end all and be all, as I have ENFP friends that are far more interesting and unique than some of my INFJ friends.

However I get along and enjoy relationships (intimate/friendly) with INTPs and INTJs more often than not.

This is because we're similar enough in social situations but not in thinking. Meaning things say fresh and the arguments stay at a enjoyable level where both parties tend to gain some knowledge.

Both types value knowledge and are willing to go through hard thinking to actually achieve understanding of it. I find there are other types who aren't as interested, although that doesn't mean the other types don't have their aspects that make them shine.

ENTP tend to have this energy about them to allows me to take life less serious and just have fun.
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My best friend is something in between an INFJ and ENFJ, and I love her with all of my being. I tend to be drawn to ENFJs in general, but besides from my friend, I don't think I've met another possible INFJ. I also tend to connect with ENFPs, and I love the company of a kind ESFP. I've got two sweet ESFJs in my life as well that I get along with just fine.

Basically, I'm drawn to ExFx. But I get along with most people. However, I've noticed I don't have any T-friends. Would be nice though. :p
My best friend is EsFJ. A distinct one too
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ENTPs seem pretty cool (at least online). Not good at guessing types in person but ENFJs to some extent, maybe INFJs, etc. I guess it depends on the person.
Both of my best friends in the whole world are INFJ's. They are wonderful. With both of them, it is like we are the same person. (The female one and I even share the same nickname.)

I also have a very good INTP friend, although we have drifted apart recently, and my "partner in crime" friend is an INFP.

so obvs I like IN people.

I am horrible at typeing people, so I don't know what types my other friends are - but I am guessing I have mostly I friends, with the occasional just-barely-E.