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- Enneagram
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Usually STPs, NFs and NTPs although I have friends of other types that I adore.
I get along really well with STP wimminz, they are fun, blunt and hard to offend, they don't tend to bring dramas but are totally up for the fun stuffs. Most of my closest girl friends have been STPs.
NFs are awesome for their acceptance, the whole live and let live and peace keeping side of NFs is hard to dislike.
NTs are hit and miss for me but a self aware NTP is awesome, there's unspoken understanding that makes communication so easy.
I get along really well with STP wimminz, they are fun, blunt and hard to offend, they don't tend to bring dramas but are totally up for the fun stuffs. Most of my closest girl friends have been STPs.
NFs are awesome for their acceptance, the whole live and let live and peace keeping side of NFs is hard to dislike.
NTs are hit and miss for me but a self aware NTP is awesome, there's unspoken understanding that makes communication so easy.