Your preferred type for a "buddy".

Usually STPs, NFs and NTPs although I have friends of other types that I adore.

I get along really well with STP wimminz, they are fun, blunt and hard to offend, they don't tend to bring dramas but are totally up for the fun stuffs. Most of my closest girl friends have been STPs.

NFs are awesome for their acceptance, the whole live and let live and peace keeping side of NFs is hard to dislike.

NTs are hit and miss for me but a self aware NTP is awesome, there's unspoken understanding that makes communication so easy.
Intuitive perceivers in general I can get along with very well. INTJs I get along with well too. Never met an ENTJ so I don't know about that. In real life INFJs tend to love me but I've known so many they don't have the same intrigue as they once did. You're all just a bunch of cooky weirdos to me now. :p

ENFJs I'm not usually fond of, but I can get along fine. STJs I usually find intolerable after prolonged exposure (with some notable exceptions). ISFPs are just weird to me. ISTPs speak an oddly similar language (I speak a very very intuitive language, but sharing Ti without sharing intuition is a strange experience) so I get along there. ESTPs can be sometimes intolerable. ESFPs I get along with fine. SFJs I get along with too, but I find them to be extraordinarily boring.

Overall: ENTPs/ENFPs/INFPs that are well along in personal development are all great. I can mesh with most types however.
Cooky weirdos??? LOL Yes

NTs and INFJs.

INT any day of the week and twice on Sun.
Oh goodness. I like all types for friends.
These types come to mind though:
But people differ greatly within a type- so I dunno if this really goes for all or even most of these types.