Well the main reason I like things like the MBTI over things like astrology is because it makes a lot more logical sense to me (Silly Ti

) it seems to me that astrology is somewhat fatalistic, it's not saying you are this way but it is saying you're kind of this way and that is something I don't like. I think I am a better judge of who I am than the stars and planets are. I guess I find it too limiting, I've actually heard people say things like "oh, I'd never date a virgo" or "I can't be friends with a Sagittarius"
Oh yes (hee hee). Silly Sali!
But you gotta admit that solongotgon does have a point. INFJ is also a label, and a limiting one at that. Is it really that much more comforting to you to maintain that illusion of control?
And really, astrology isn't actually saying...""Sali...You are an Aries, Sali (or whatever sign you are, I can't remember). You'd better start being more assertive. Write more secret poems, dammit! And for Pete's sake, if I have to tell you one more time to keep a civil tongue in your head and watch that temper I'm going to send you a nasty Saturn transit that will rot the teeth right outta your head! Now I see you've got the sexual energy and the morning wood part nailed, (OH OH LOL I could NOT resist! sorry!) so get a job as a firefighter like I told ya, and clean up this pigsty!"
Astrology indicates what our tendencies are...but they are only limiting if we allow them to be.
I don't know your spiritual or religious preferences, if you have them...hell I'm not sure I know mine (yeesh). But an example would be the supposed birth chart of Jesus Christ. It was stated that his chart wouldn't accurately describe him. He grew and evolved spiritually, beyond his chart limitations. He had free will. Guess what else?
So do we.
By learning astrology, it reaffirms what you already know to be true...that there are positive and negative forces in us ALL...that we all are different from each other and are special...but yet we all have similarities, which trump differences everyday. It's about humanity. Oneness. Not segregation by alphabet, that gives us the lower left quadrant of a career indicator pie.
The human eye seems trained to notice the differences in each other, especially in reference to ourselves, and start labeling them. Yours. Mine. Good. Bad. This is not what astrology is for.
If my astrology chart states that I have a tendency to be shallow...I'll be more aware of it when it comes up, and thus be in a better position to combat it. I may still have the tendency to be shallow, but I can choose to not act that way. Almost like picking my own planets and traits, isn't it? Or if my chart states that I might find I have a previously undiscovered musical talent, but I never knew because there was no music program in my school and my parents were too broke to afford lessons, I can look into something I may never have known about. I may have discovered my life purpose, or at least been more likely to live to capacity. But if I find I don't like it at ALL...maybe genetics gave me short fingers so I can't reach all the chords...I don't have to keep doing it. I choose.
And finally...are you really going to base your reasoning of why YOU find astrology too limiting on the ignorant bias of the general public whose consumer mindsets allow them to be lulled by the BrainDed Zombey Horoscope Page that reads, "Look out, Libra! Transiting Jupiter will be entering your first house, so lay off the helpings of chocolate mousse or you'll never get into those new skinny jeans you're likely to splurge on. In matters of the heart, your s.o. is likely to shower you with gifts and pay extra attention to you. But if not, there are plenty of other generous hotties ready to flock to you now. Make sure your s.o. realizes what they'll be missing out on. Either way, you win! Sponsored by Apocalypse Brand Long Pig. Try our medium rare INFJ"s. They're extra salty. Only sold on this forum. "
And Sali, you are intelligent enough to come up with your own legitimate reasons for being uncomfey with astrology without throwing out the old, "Other people who are shallow and stupid buy into this, so I can't accept this wak mystical planet shit without being associated with Them." I hope you don't equate your fellow infj's that practice astrology and hang out here (whom I find brilliant and entertaining!

) with the readers of BrainDed Zombey! That would be lame. Please don't be lame.
We are not trying to judge you for having a different opinion. We are not trying to sway you to the dark side. But we've studied this and it holds intrinsic value for us. If you are content with MBTI typing as your main or only system of self-knowledge and evaluation, that's fine. Whatever makes our Sali comfey and happy is great by us! Some of us like alternate routes is all. This way we have more open escape routes from the Pack of BrainDed Zombeys.