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  • I'm not sure yet, you've been the one who finds these places so far.
    Apparently the forum is going offline for awhile. We should migrate off of the forum at that time to somewhere more interesting - to a whole new bowl of shit that we can stir.
    I have as well. I will personally say that Blessings have no right to be monetized in that manner. We were taught that they won't automatically grant you enlightenment, but they can put you in a good space of peace, and remind you how much you are loved, which helps ease emotional processing, especially of those being initiated. I am trying to think of a better description...

    However, thank you for pushing me to investigate.
    Music you say?
    Here the snow is melting into slush and then refreezing making it slightly more treacherous as each day passes.

    But I am sure the music is coming any day now.

    Does anyone ever mention to you that they think that me and you are/were an item? I read that rumor more often than I wish to.
    Oh I know he is. Sometimes I try different ways to bait him into letting his honest opinions slip through.
    Thanks! I was going to take a longer holiday but I got really sick over the christmas period and was stuck in bed. I'm doing ok. Life is pretty full on at the moment, it's keeping me pretty busy. Cooking two meals a day has me pretty much chained to my kitchen like a good little woman.....tres fascinant!
    What have you been up to?
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