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  • O_O I never see those cards played in the online version. The cards played tend to be sexual and/or politically incorrect.

    (and they also have My Little Pony ones. XD So talking about Princess Celestia and mouth herpes? Wonderful.)
    Ah, the food...sounds quite light? We don't have a lot of (house) party here, so it's just a bit surprising. Homemade donuts, though. Mmmm.

    Oh GOD, Cards Against Humanity. I played the online version and that' ridiculously offensive it's hilarious.
    Glad you had a great time! I too had a comparatively peaceful and somewhat productive time...
    But now it's already the 2nd for me, and so, time to work. >_<

    Thank you for your kind words! While I don't know about your visual talents, your skill with words are tremendous :D
    Yeah just totally oblivious and annoying. No use even confronting her, shed never see it.
    Man..... I've been thinking on this and thinking on this.... It's hard to say where to begin for I've been following certain people for like 20 years. I was watching one of my long time favorites this morning and I think I finally came to a decision on where to get you to start. Graham Hancock. I'd say if you spend some time watching his videos ( I read most of his books back in the early days ) you'll start to see a big picture coming together.
    I'm glad! What did you do over there? What did you eat/drink ? (...I love asking that question)

    >_< thanks, you flatterer.
    Happy New Year! Yes, it's 2013 morning for here. And I hope it's also an amazing year for you~

    It seems the party's a big one? Are there people that you don't know?

    I'm drawing this yesterday. Finished about half an hour before midnight. I'm glaaad.
    ....working in new year's eve. That sort >_<

    Drawing atm; my family hosted a small barbeque party, invited two cousins and my mother (she lives separately).
    The food's great, and I held the grill so I don't have to talk..much. Kinda screwed up with the grill, though.

    Now i'm bloated and sort of BLEUGH. >_<
    Aaah, that's quite apt.
    That's strange because I am reminded of Ad hominem tu quoque, about how one's behavior is no indication of the truth of their statement; and that's quite..the opposite.

    I guess there's a theory for everything. And regardless of the quick appears to be soon proved anyways. SO!

    >_> <_<

    on another topic, how was your day? Any plans for the last day of the year?
    Honest confession, I don't really get the Ethos part; I'm just assuming it means attitude or the mentality... >_>

    But yes, you make a good point. I've never been in the writer's position, so I cannot say with full certainty that it's unnecessary.
    Well, I am just being paranoid I guess.

    Sure, people disagree all the time; but to actually make this effort is a bit too.....I dunno. Too much? It's like someone reading a bad comment on Facebook then making an account specifically to argue. Why bother? >_<

    I actually don't see the donations part lol, I'm cheap like that.
    And the morality part; yesh, I can see your point. How do you see if they are legit or not, though?
    I'm thinking the title of the blog (the rawness or sth?) is part of the writer's spin.. that may explains the tone of the post. Again, I honestly deflected the flavor text.

    No worries; it's really an unexpected surprise. And yes, I'm also glad the discussion has picked itself. >_<
    oh, yeah. Admittedly it hurts me a bit (and then afterwards some), but after seeing the circumstances, it's hard not to... make that assumption. Oh well, late drama of the year?

    I think the blog looks nothing Wordpress-y; it seems to be its own website. But it's possible I suppose.
    SIGH I HOPE NOTHING BAD HAPPENS *crosses finger*

    You have a blog on Wordpress? :D
    what is?

    I'm still curious, why and how can he go to this forum specifically after I posted the link and you disagreed with it.
    That is utterly lame :( The Mungo Jerry isn't meant to be analyzed, just to give a good chuckle and a grin when you hear it or see that kinda goofy group of guys jamming on somebody's lawn. Hate it when people do that to something fun.
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