The peppermint really is awesome for an upset stomach, i love that one. With the dandelion tea, it could be that the strength wasnt high enough but the the process of detoxification tends to be slow and gradual as the dandelion is quite gentle. Its also possible that you are already quite healthy so the effects of the detox werent that bad. The more toxic one's body is the worse a detox feels. My first detox felt like torture! Lavendar is also good for when you have a headache- just apply a drop to both temples- it pretty magic how it works. I dont really have any recommendations- everyone is different. One of the most powerful things we can eat is probably 'tumeric', it works on a cellular level and is really good for everyone. And marshmallow extract is my favourite- its totally delicious and is really good for sore throats, coughs and upset stomachs. I want to make marshmallows out of the real extract. Ive been experimenting with recipes. And lemons are always great to have in the house. If you ever eat anything that you think might make you crook, the juice of 1-2 lemons will kill the nasties and neutralise your stomach - it literally stops the puking and pooping- and gradual restores the ph back to normal.
Flower essences are a lot of fun to use. Ive made my own a few times now and made/bought lots of mixes for my friends and family. I really like them and they've been one of the most useful tools in my growth. Maybe next time you see a flower that you really like, one that speaks to you, take it home with you to make an essence. Its a lot of fun and really simple. I can imagine you enjoying this