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  • It stimulates the sacral/solar plexus chakras...associated with appetite/hunger. This is why in Feung sui, the kitchen/dining area has those warm colours. Some restaraunts do this as well.

    Blue tends to decrease the appetite, and take the mind off the physical body.
    Thats fantastic the pain with your sciatic nerve is going! That can be extremely painful and limiting. 3 cups for a month is probably enough. Some people use it indefinately, mainly because they like the taste but i dont think thats necessary. Do you remember whether it was dandelion leaf or root? The leaf is for the kidney and the root is for the liver. Its a bit more complicated than that but basically thats the case.

    I havent used tulsi. i ve heard many good things about it. Ive used the essential oil for aroma therapy which i really liked

    To be perfectly honest i rarely use any kind of supplement or aid. I only really use things that i can find a way to incorporate into my diet, or if i really like the taste, or if im not feeling well. Im pretty lazy like that. Im also really bad with routines. At times ive gone out an bought a whole bunch of stuff to use but it seems that in a week or so ive forgetten about it and just gotten carried away in my work or whatever else it is im doing. I dont like 'taking' things either. For some reason its always made me feel a bit weird. The main thing i really do for my health is to eat as many vegetables as i can and plenty of water. Lots of raw salad and vegetables where possible. I eat fish and try to avoid eating too much meat. But i can still be pretty indulgent- especially with coffee and chocolate! And dairy. I dont really restrict myself unless its for ethical reasons. The most fundamental thing ive learned through naturopathy is that the mind plays a very important role in health. Everything that we eat can be medicine if we believe that it will nourish us and we do it lovingly and gratefully.
    ....shorter than you. That's fo' sho.
    I'm having all your problems + inexperience with nature.... with a lower stamina and bigger body, thus needing more food. Not to mention my big body = I'm going to be a huuuuuge prey.

    And let's not even talk about bears and bees aaaaaaah

    It's flooding here. >_> Have you ever experienced flood?
    The peppermint really is awesome for an upset stomach, i love that one. With the dandelion tea, it could be that the strength wasnt high enough but the the process of detoxification tends to be slow and gradual as the dandelion is quite gentle. Its also possible that you are already quite healthy so the effects of the detox werent that bad. The more toxic one's body is the worse a detox feels. My first detox felt like torture! Lavendar is also good for when you have a headache- just apply a drop to both temples- it pretty magic how it works. I dont really have any recommendations- everyone is different. One of the most powerful things we can eat is probably 'tumeric', it works on a cellular level and is really good for everyone. And marshmallow extract is my favourite- its totally delicious and is really good for sore throats, coughs and upset stomachs. I want to make marshmallows out of the real extract. Ive been experimenting with recipes. And lemons are always great to have in the house. If you ever eat anything that you think might make you crook, the juice of 1-2 lemons will kill the nasties and neutralise your stomach - it literally stops the puking and pooping- and gradual restores the ph back to normal.

    Flower essences are a lot of fun to use. Ive made my own a few times now and made/bought lots of mixes for my friends and family. I really like them and they've been one of the most useful tools in my growth. Maybe next time you see a flower that you really like, one that speaks to you, take it home with you to make an essence. Its a lot of fun and really simple. I can imagine you enjoying this
    acd, how long can you survive when getting lost in a mountain? (I was about to type zombie apocalypse, but meeeh it's getting boring)
    as part of my naturopathy course ive gotten to learn about herbal medicine and flower essences which has been a lot of fun. Have you experimented with those?
    I understand. I have found that at times. Never seriously practiced it though. im too lazy and haphazard for most of the rituals. Im just a devoted earth lover.
    Like when you talk about surviving in the wild because I wanna do that too. Also I watched the Broken Tail tiger documentary too. It was really good. Why is your name acd?
    Sometimes your posts make me want to hug you like the guy in the video. That's why I posted it. =) Why did you post the bird?
    Like your new avatar :3 hope you're doing well acd ~ you're always so awesomez. Hope I get a chance to talk to you soons, if not; best wishes to you and your loved ones ~~ hope things with your boyfriend are going well.. you guys are living in a beatiful place ( bit jelly :3 ).
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