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    Oh, I don't want to make people think I am, but that was just one of the things I told the people at the place I worked.

    It's easier to spout out that type of stuff, than having to tell real things about yourself I guess.
    I always let them know I'm joking though.
    I'd never think I could fool you ;)

    I was talking more about my real life behaviour though :p
    On the internet, I don't NEED to have conversations.
    I recently got into this band, and I feel like you might at the very least find this song interesting: YouTube - Vive la Fete - Noir Desir
    I was referencing your Glass Case of Emotion thing. You know, dropping movie lines like a cool kid.
    Oh my gosh.
    That would be fun!

    I would have to put a lot of thought into a request like that.
    It's really striking (:

    You should make more if you ever get the inspiration/means/time.
    I want to rep you for your last post in the abortion thread, but alas I cannot. Well said, nonetheless.
    I don't want to nitpick, but mine is slightly different:
    'Jester the Molester' has a nice ring to it.
    Was it because I posted that news article, or because I creep people out with my 'sexy' comments? :P
    I also meant to add:
    If it isn't, it's sterilisation for me! ;D
    Sacreligion is my middle name. Aside from my middle name of "Layin it on thick"
    Damnit, I thought you'd make some witty comment because I called you one of 'my ladies',
    and I thought you'd perceive that as sexist talk.
    Alas, my intentions to troll you have failed.

    And I'm glad everything's good.
    Could I.. hum.. make it possibly any better? ;D
    Now, please answer to my question:
    How have you been, mistress?
    (Because you avoided it earlier :( and I don't want to think there's anything wrong with one of my ladies)
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