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  • because I uncounciously always believe that I'm defective :-)

    and my hesitations to follow the group is one of the causes I think. I also do the quietly hesitating like you do, anly my hesitation is never noticed. Maybe because people just ignore it, or don't care, or are tired because I always do it?

    I think the hardest for me is to decide to stand for what I want or believe or to follow the group because I need them and I need them to like me... I always want to be concidered to myself and to others and therefore whatever I decide it is always inconcidered to one of them :-)
    Oooh good insight, I hadn't thought about that!

    I was wolfishly grinning the whole time during his escapades, I really liked it. Although I wasn't happy for the inadvertent causalities as a means to an end, but I easily overlooked them.
    That change of heart was ultimately my favorite part of the story, and it meant a lot to me, someone learning from their mistakes. And also, I was SO happy that things didn't turn out happily ever after for him and Mercedes, it would have been ok, but might have been a bit unrealistic. I couldn't have asked for a better ending!
    Yea most of what I have read in Ishmael has had me wanting to jump out of my chair and say "YES, why is everyone so fucking retarded about all of this??? IT IS SO OBVIOUS!" But it has also offered me some great new perspectives too, I LOVE the analogies in it.

    I have had that standpoint (or at least one among many) for a long time, and when someone suggests that humanity is the pinnacle of creation I have always just stared at them dumbly like, "Really? You think so?"

    People are so damn self-centered.
    Really? I rather liked him! I suppose it is some of that moral gray area that made you dislike him?
    I'm not very passionate most of the times either.

    I find myself always in conflict when I "have to follow the group". I want to find out what my decision would be if I could make a decision but mostly I don't get the time to find that out so I follow the crowd and hate it. Not because what the group does is wrong, but because I don't know yet whether it is wrong or not... something like that *scratches head*
    Unless something really unethical and unfair is happening and then I often forget that I need the group and get on the barricades to defend what I hold dear

    is this how you do it too or are you different in this matter? I'm really curious ;-)
    Friendliness. You come across as very warm. A lot of INFP's come across as too needy and inwardly focused! INFJ's have that Fe that cares for everyone! Nag!! ;)
    Yep, I get an INFJ vibe from you a lot for an INFP. And careful with the navel, you might let all the air our of youself and deflate! ;)
    What I mean is that sometime my Fi takes over and I go from an INFJ to an INFP. I get the feeling sometimes your Fe and Ni take over. You feel like an INFJ to me at times. I could be wrong. Just my opinion and you would know best.
    I don't think your a prude you just more private about such thing.s There is nothing wrong with that. I'm a slut I can't help
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