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  • I'll bet the rate of suspected heart attacks has risen in whatever city he works.

    If you like I can lip sync some 80's later on.... oh wait this isn't the showmance thread.
    Indeed he reappears, there was a bit of a slow point but right now things are REALLY picking up.
    I think, from a psychological perspective, Danglers sees what Dantes has as rightfully his own, and Dantes has intruded upon his rights. Dantes is the aggressor in his eyes, because Dantes took first that which was rightfully his (Danglers'); as far-fetched as that may sound...

    It is that inherent sense of entitlement that some seem to have at the core of their being.
    Oh I have known plenty of people like him. Dantes is a better man, Danglers knows it, and Dantes stands in his way. He just wants him out of the way so he can be the 'big fish.'

    He is a slimy, sinister man, and he would probably be running a multi-million dollar corporation these days. :P
    You should keep me updated! I should have it half done by the end of the day.

    Isn't that just the most miserable time to be taken away??
    "'Merica. Fuck yeah."

    You don't know how many times this plays in my head as I interact with people from my state.
    Bah, it just makes me angry that someone is using your writing in a way that sours it for you. If I knew 'im, I'd smash his guitar.
    I couldn't rep you, but your team america comment in that political thread 'twas great!
    Eh, I found some things out a couple days ago that weren't very fun to hear. I'm getting ready for work, but I'll send you a PM about once I get there, sometime around midnight.

    How about you? What's been happening?
    its the kina shit people respond to around here. my rep has been increasing a lot lately
    Nice! The olden days marriages seem more fun than marriages now a days. From what I've read, the only thing a groomsmen does is make sure the groom doesn't chicken out, calls the stripper for the bachelor's party, and stands by the groom when he's getting married. My 'baby' face saves me from having to do anything other than watch the marriage so I'm fairly happy.

    I see, I see, sounds like fun! Things like that don't happen where I live good ole southern state wouldn't want to host anything like that sadly.

    omgosh. That's horrible. I don't really know if there's anything you can really do to get better sleep, sleeping during the middle of the day is biologically hard.
    ::blushes and curtsies::

    I don't know what I think of it. I just went at it for a couple hours today and didn't edit any of it but grammar. I'm just hoping it's enough of a description of the narrator that if some random person who didn't know me happened to steal one of our computers, and start reading it, that they'd be hooked long enough to want to read on, and hopefully be caught by the cops.

    And muchas gracias for letting me share with you, and actually reading it :)

    Yummm, Oreos and chips. Of course, I can completely understand how your body would feel gross eating things like that for weeks. Very little real nutrition, but so much delectable goodness. If you do do a water/tea fast, let me know how it goes, m'kay?
    Honestly, I thought it was a bit odd, I'm not super best friends with that particular cousin of mine. We are a generation apart and, even then, we still don't really hang with each other. I kinda knew something was going to happen to my groomsman status. Is there a lot of pressure to deal with being a groomsman?

    Eck, that sucks, working a lot is always a drag but unfortunately that's how you make money. I assume the pride parade is a LGBT thingy? And what's bitchfest? Sounds like fun! Haha, I know how you feel, I've been trying to eat better (No carbs, no sugar, no grains tend to do wonders for me) but I kinda fall through every time I actually go out with my friends. Then I'm thinking "Well...wth, I can splurge for the rest of the day...and the next day...and perhaps this week, then I'll get back on task!" and XD. You have a similar sleeping schedule to me. I used to fall asleep at 6ish and wake up at 2, then somehow it changed to getting to sleep at 9 and waking up at 2 still...Then going to bed at 6 and waking up at 8!
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