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  • Lol. But who shall protect the individual from themselves if not the group? Emotions emotions... Aren't they grand?
    Again no its not. That's bad staffing. The VIP's (which I'm also) don't get out of the rules and they don't get to control how the forum runs. Any staff that allows that is not doing whats best for the forum.
    Some issues are important to fight over. I know TML didn't mean it in all cases I know that. But even mentioning that is an insult to the forum. The only person who has such control is a forum's owner. Because they are where the buck stops. And they own the forum of course.
    For some people it is a matter of finding a spirituality (or a saint) that resonates with you. St Antony of the Desert is one of my favourites.

    Withing the Catholic faith there are litterally hundreds of different types of spirituality. The Franciscans, following St Francis of Assisi emphasise a tender love for all creatures. The Dominicans, following St Dominic & St Thomas Aquinas emphasise a deeper knowledge and love of the truth by studying theology and all the world's philosophies. Others focus on self-denial, others on service to others, etc.
    Same here. It always pissed my parents off. If I'm not emotionally charged, I normally laugh in a difficult situation. I almost can't comprehend how laughing at serious things helps me, but it somehow does. Hurray nervous laughter. Of course, most people find it highly insulting.
    You've got me shuddering. The thought of sharing CO2 with people in a small room is enough to get me uneasy, the thought of sweat swapping through gross.
    Represent *bumps chest with fist*

    Damn, I hope I go to bed when I get out of work and not wake up until Monday. Good luck tomorrow. Don't forget a bathing suit seeing as you're basically going to be swimming.
    Some random bitching on my part: is it swelteringly hot where you are tonight? The humidity is ridiculous. It's insanity I tell you, insanity.
    *Ensures only the most vivid of finger paints are utilized in his writing* Lo and behold as I caress your abode! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH....HAH!

    *nods* that'll do
    And you're the most awesome. So if we combine our powers we become un-stoppable...or really really stubborn, which in a sense makes us right.

    Forum users stab themselves in the face with office supplies more than anyone else because the interaction of a forum creates stabby objects that move in the direction of one's face.
    I cannot believe how stupid some people are. I basically took everything you said (and was promptly ignored) and put it in bullet points to look sciency. I did it because I was about to yell at the screen about how stupid people are. Okay, I wasn't actually going to yell, but I agreed with you and wanted to ride your coat-tails.
    MacGuffin, it's from the movies, it's an element introduced solely to further the plot (like unobtainium in Avatar).

    I don't know if macguffin was the right term in this case but the idea of free will does look suspiciously like it was "manufactured" to explain away criticisms of god or god's existence.
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