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  • Yeh - well - a large life has got to have some detriment in it - doesn't it? I mean how else can a person go through life without making mistakes and screwing it up. If they weren't doing that - then they wouldn't be living their life. At least that's how I see it. Kudos for still likeing sex!!!! And gettin' it!
    A friend? I am - eh? That's nice to know actually....
    Yes - you are an inspiration to me because you are living your life large, Anica. And you're a bit older than me. And it's gratifying to me to see someone doing the things that I'd hope I can still do even when I'm older. And I love the way you're open and share your life with us. I feel honored.
    i don't particularly know..just a feeling.
    you seem more Fi than Ni, but then again, i don't really know you that well.
    so, i don't know, you could be either, i just kind of get an INFP sense from you. sorry i don't have much of an explanation.
    You're most welcome. It was good to read it, especially knowing it was drawn from personal experience. Funny how that always adds dimensionality. There was a lot there that I'm glad was said. Thanks for sharing.
    thank you! I'm not studying anymore though, I finished last year. I want to take a tesal course next year though, maybe at uni. it's all depending on when I move to europe and when I get visas and stuff. I study languages though, cornish, german and welsh at the moment, but my life is too up in the air at the moment for me to think about perminant stuff...I'm loving these forums though.
    I tried to look one up for you but all I could find was a "New Plush 8 Inch Halloween Stuffed Witch Monkey Bear".

    I don't trust anything with the words monkey and bear describing the same entity.
    Idiocy it is then (on my part, at least). For example, I find irony in the fact that I graduated law school four days before you were born. I was 43 years old and thought I had the world by the tail. Boy, was I wrong. Now, that's true idiocy. One should always, doubtful? cautious? those kinds of situations.
    I don't know...

    The first is definately true...
    As to the second...

    WHo can gauge intelligence better? A less intelligent person who can notice the height better, or an intelligent person who can recognise one of their own?

    I think maybe the former, as while intelligence tends to vary greatly in it's means of execution, Idiocy never changes.
    Hahah, thats funny, people are always calling me a smartass.

    Though I was under the impression one had to be wise to do that.

    Oh yes, of course.

    I find the best way to counteract any level of serious emotion is to laugh at it.

    Everything is funny once you realise everything is futile.
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