Wow, your sons have a very cool jobs

Flying helicopter-- is he a pilot? And baking cakes XD it's awesome; the art of baking is pretty hard since it's mostly pure chemistry working, and I admire everyone who's able to create wonderful cakes

(am pretty clumsy and clumsiness isn't a very good trait to have in the kitchen, is it?)
Yes; other people within different typology seems to be more able to go on with their lives better (...aside from, personal experience, INFP). I took it as a whiplash tho; even to the most doormat there's a point when they simply cannot -stand- it...and they start to "screw others, I'm going to take care of myself here and NOW!"
I consider it their shadow function influencing or taking over, within certain degree.
I want to leave Jakarta..well, mostly because the future here looks pretty grim, for many reasons xO