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  • I'm okay now. The funeral day was pretty bad, not just because of the funeral, turned out to be a really bad day overall.
    what happened??

    it's good... i'm not doing much, i just go to work and the rest of the time stay in bed :-)
    The forum was created by an ex-INTPforumer, yes, but no, it's not really a hideout. It's an experimental forum. The idea is to create a place which isn't constricted by expectations of certain knowledge, fandom or belief like most forums, but rather a place of free expression and collaborative reasoning, dealing with general topics of interest. The userbase is currently small and mostly composed of other INTPforumers since they were the fist to know about it, but we're trying to expand and not seem very tightly knit, which we admittedly do right now due to a lack of new members and perspectives. ^^
    The difference between those is in which function is the dominant =/ I mean the ordering of the other three.

    I'll keep the ordering for the sake of intertype relations, in that the (inf/ter) of one person is not enough to fully stimulate the (ter/aux) of the other. We may then determine potential compatibility by lining up the aspects of each in the optimum way, and determining how close to complete stimulation each gets (such that for INFJ only INFJ or ENFP provide complete stimulation).
    In your opinion, should the 3 aspects be considered equivalent, or do you think the order really is important?
    I think I'll frame it in terms of JCF (meaning I need to get started on the Jung), but distinct from MBTI.
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