I've thought of doing it, but it seems like so much worrrkk. *drool*
Regarding INTJs; you are right that Te-users also can look at personalized systems via Te, I couldn't include that in my rep comment because there is a word limit and I had to keep it short.
"Also, it seemed to be an attempt to, or at least can be interpreted as an attempt to, make the personal system less personal - to make the external world operate more on logic, less on values - but enforcing one's own values in the process."
Te doesn't work this way, in my understanding. Te doesn't see logic as absolute as Ti-users do. This post reflects my understanding best. Te depends upon absolutes from Fi, despite how low it is present in the person's cognitive hierarchy. A Te'ed system will always derive from Fi, whereas a Fe'ed system will always derive from Ti. I'm not articulating properly, fuck.
Ayn Rand is INFJ (apparently) and Objectivism is one of the most cold and logic-based ideologies out there. That is the domain of Ti, however, which derives logic from an internal, subjective source. Te sees systems as "games" to be "won", but when creating new systems, they form a basis in Fi. If you strip away all the external influence from an INTJ, you get a very humanistic core (Fi), whereas if you strip away all the external influence from an INFJ, you get a very impersonal/logical core (Ti).
<said member> has always appeared to me as having a logical "core". This is just my perception, however, and an opinion.