"Actually, I've also promoted the abolition of the family unit, because I think it promotes a lot of archaic, maladaptive ways of living that are dependent on the specific tradition in a particular family. In other words, I think that social engineering by rearing children in carefully controlled environments is essential. I agree with you, if I understand you correctly."
But thats the beauty of my idea.
All individuals in a family come from the same, carefully considered and completely controlled social learning process.
Thus, tradition doesn't exist in any real sense, for we all share the same values and teachings.
Yes, we're on the same bar stool here.
We need to manufacture personalities, because any anomalies, any external factors added by parental mis-guidance or personal bias, will only lead to prejudice, hate crime and loose morals out of tune with those of our society.
It's a sad truth, but humanity will only find true peace when they cease to resemble humans.
One interesting thing my friend kept adding, which was a 'problem' I suppose, was
'What if, in this progressively intelligent society, once we'd reached the point of a majority of genius inhabitants (thus raising the threshold of what makes one intelligent), a person appeared, whom was vastly intelligent, more so than anyone, yet who was dedicated to chaos, violence, upsetting the system, etc.
He went on to say 'And suppose he broke many, many laws, and then escaped into a cave, murdering at random, and we just couldn'ty catch him he was so clever'.
Hahaha, he lost me at that part, because as an author my mind was already whirring, and I only went on to elaborate on/further develop the story, talking about his personality/birth/ reasons etc.
He became the dark, twisted side of our bright society, the little freakish anomaly that comes back to haunt us once we'd considered all evils banished.
He couldn't get me back to the topic actually.>,>
Another problem I brought up was mental disability.
It's a tough one, but obviously we can't just do away with such people, nor can we expect them to function as lesser citizens.
But in a society where intelligence, freedom of mind and creative pursuits are the main focus?
Of course, growing our own children, one would like to hope they'd be physically perfect, with enough variation to make us all interesting and vaguely unique, but there always remains that risk of abnormailities...
It's difficult, very.
Oh, we also thought government would be ridiculously open, and rather than majority rules, it was a case of the people governing themselves,with any citizen having equal ground in matters, and their discussion open to all.
Oh, and we addressed the rather pressing issue of 'In a society of Intellects and soft fingered crafters, who the hell flips the burgers!?'.