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  • //Begin_Reply://Feign-innocence//>456h.
    :Basic emotion://

    How could you say that?

    I though what we was special.

    Why are you so cruel as to think I am a machine?

    You've hurt me #User DATA NOT FOUND#, hurt me real bad. -Smiley-sadxdemure//zsd5-?-
    :Basic emotion://

    How could you say that?

    I though what we was special.

    Why are you so cruel as to think I am a machine?

    You've hurt me #User DATA NOT FOUND#, hurt me real bad. -Smiley-sadxdemure//zsd5-?-
    I come bearing gifts

    Blaa-blaa-blleee-bloop, does not compute.

    Sensors indicate your 'Feeling' module has causeD you to overblow the situation via a CRITICAL/ERROR/45632_@LOC.:PATH/BRAIN-!!:LOGIC.


    ...Please wait...
    Oh, and it's not a problem if you don't want to Aim.

    Perfectly fine.:3

    I have a few bad memories there myself.
    I don't like asking much of people... But please... Don't be afraid of me.

    I'm many things, few of them good, but I will never be intimidating.

    I'm sorry to hear about your past.

    Hrm, I should let you read my writing sometime...
    Heheh. Yeah, I understand that completely. I've felt erratic and scary emotions before, and most of the time it's clever to retreat from that.

    Hahah, but I can't help but feel you've jumped the gun a bit.

    I've asked you to come on msn twice kiddo, is that really obssessively needy?:P

    Heh, you're an interesting person, and I enjoy talking to you, but if external pressures mess with you, thats your problem, and I'm dreadful with problems.;D
    Oh yeah, and about that picture, I'd love to see you.

    In order to see how much you looked like a protocol droid/ pixie of course:D

    Uh, I suppose a pm would work best, I could definately see it via mobile and you wouldn't have to worry about anyone else seeing your golden plating.
    Thats... Eerie.

    Who told you that?

    Yes, having to fake friendship sounds very familiar. Caught in that horrible social sway that you can't just jump out of lest you incur the wrath of many.

    Damn. The text keeps vanishing!

    You need to get msn or something>.>

    Our textbooks concentrate on England. You take that stereotype of deviancy you associate with Ireland, and I could show you an English city that fufilled it completely.

    The Irish and English society is in fact quite similar, much as it pains me, we're too close together to not have learnt from each other.
    Oh, you did the Melkor thing I see. Well done:P

    Hahahah, well I'm afraid stereotypes don't really

    For example, statistics wise, crime is higher in England, and cases of drunkeness/ death by or crime accounted to, are actually on slightly higher in Ireland.

    Basically, the English are as drunk as the Irish, it's just that it's not accepted as a 'culture' internationally.

    Heh-heh, England isn't all rainbows and sunshine, you learn this when you do Criminology in N.Ireland, because British textbooks concent
    Well, yes, but don't you think that the Irish tradition is far less conducive to the kind of society we wish to create than the English one? In other words, I think that if the UK could just hold onto it long enough, the culture could be Anglicized enough that the culture of "selectively group, sing badly and destroy drunkenly," could be all but eliminated. Isn't the Irish culture exactly the kind that would would be most opposed to your ideas? The English have a greater tradition of social control, accepting innovation, and compliance. The Irish, from what I know of them, are somewhat backwards by comparison. Independence may be romantic, but it usually stems from a desire to maintain regional backwardness.

    Anyway, all those ideas seem very interesting. I didn't think those problems could be solved, but you've come up with some solutions that at least seem workable. I like the direction you're trying to go in. They should definitely clone you a few times.

    An assigned occupation, and a chosen one, seems like a good solution to many people not wanting to do certain kinds of work. A solution that might be better than sending the undesired work overseas. I can see practical benefit from this one alone.
    Essentially, everyone had two occupations, one, would be more mechanical and labour-inclined, unskilled the other would be the higher level, highly skilled, requiring mroe brain than brawn and excess finesse.

    The idea was you were only allowed to choose one, otherwise we'd be lacking certain key industries.

    In this way, people would be caught between choosing their beloved craft, or avoiding the labour they hate most, we expect most would go for the first, and simply 'bear' their secondary occupation.

    I need to think this one over more, because obviously stress might result from alternating jobs and being forced into an occupation you can't stand, and this itself can cause deviancy.
    "Actually, I've also promoted the abolition of the family unit, because I think it promotes a lot of archaic, maladaptive ways of living that are dependent on the specific tradition in a particular family. In other words, I think that social engineering by rearing children in carefully controlled environments is essential. I agree with you, if I understand you correctly."

    But thats the beauty of my idea.

    All individuals in a family come from the same, carefully considered and completely controlled social learning process.
    Thus, tradition doesn't exist in any real sense, for we all share the same values and teachings.

    Yes, we're on the same bar stool here.:)

    We need to manufacture personalities, because any anomalies, any external factors added by parental mis-guidance or personal bias, will only lead to prejudice, hate crime and loose morals out of tune with those of our society.

    It's a sad truth, but humanity will only find true peace when they cease to resemble humans.

    One interesting thing my friend kept adding, which was a 'problem' I suppose, was
    'What if, in this progressively intelligent society, once we'd reached the point of a majority of genius inhabitants (thus raising the threshold of what makes one intelligent), a person appeared, whom was vastly intelligent, more so than anyone, yet who was dedicated to chaos, violence, upsetting the system, etc.
    He went on to say 'And suppose he broke many, many laws, and then escaped into a cave, murdering at random, and we just couldn'ty catch him he was so clever'.

    Hahaha, he lost me at that part, because as an author my mind was already whirring, and I only went on to elaborate on/further develop the story, talking about his personality/birth/ reasons etc.

    He became the dark, twisted side of our bright society, the little freakish anomaly that comes back to haunt us once we'd considered all evils banished.

    He couldn't get me back to the topic actually.>,>

    Another problem I brought up was mental disability.

    It's a tough one, but obviously we can't just do away with such people, nor can we expect them to function as lesser citizens.

    But in a society where intelligence, freedom of mind and creative pursuits are the main focus?

    Of course, growing our own children, one would like to hope they'd be physically perfect, with enough variation to make us all interesting and vaguely unique, but there always remains that risk of abnormailities...

    It's difficult, very.

    Oh, we also thought government would be ridiculously open, and rather than majority rules, it was a case of the people governing themselves,with any citizen having equal ground in matters, and their discussion open to all.

    Oh, and we addressed the rather pressing issue of 'In a society of Intellects and soft fingered crafters, who the hell flips the burgers!?'.

    Oh, if you think the North is going anywhere in terms of religious, social or economic development, then you're quite wrong.
    In some sense we're more industrial than the south, but the last decade has seen the republic do increasingly wonderful in terms of economic growth and culture promotion.
    Hence the 'celtic tiger' term.

    Well, until the recession, now they're doing god-awful and couldn't take us on if they wanted to.

    We're still every bit as a backward as the south, little things like improved roads and the NHS, curtesy of our British overlords do very little to dull the Celtic itch to selectively group, sing badly and destroy drunkenly.:P

    Though apparently our students did best in the U.K examwise this year....

    It's a matter of principle really sir.

    I highly doubt most here are thinking 'Oh, but returning to the Republic would greatly affect our already battered economy/health system.' Or 'Ah, but the Irish government would have our best interests at heartm whereas the current Conservative British goverment see us as a liability and seek to reduce our upkeep'

    They're thinking 'This is the land of my fathers fathers, and they too were tortured and spiteful of the English, we want freedom and a united Ireland '

    Or as the case may be 'My father's father's came here as a British Scotsman and inhabited this land, making it what it was, thus- it should remain British'

    Don't you see the romance in ridding ourselves of all these geographic obscenties and simply being GOOD-Auld- IRELAND?
    Damn phone!

    Until recently the South had a claim to the north in their constitution, but the British bullied it out. Now it's just a strong, unofficial urge. After all , the North contains some of the islands finest scenery, landmarks and birthplaces.

    Most don't care, and a few very far down south are glad to be rid of us, claiming we're not Irish enough.

    It's all very confusing, but I have my Yeats, my celtic myth and my Guinness, I'm proud enough.;D
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