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  • Fe is a monster, but it's bloody well useful.

    Hahahah, great conversation that one. Sure you're not an NT sir? You strike me as one! Though not literally(sadly).

    Ah, yes, of course, I understand your pussyfooting. After all , one day an emotional response is fine, on others, it might be awkward. Though if it makes you feel better, I am composed of ninety percent awkward gestures.
    Oh, don't be ridiculous sir. I'm very difficult to offend, and rarely become offended by anyone, least of all by someone as sweet as you.

    Well. I'm not used to *giving* personal attention, so I guess we're both on square one.

    *Shrugs*At any rate... Sorry I didn't get back sooner!

    I was just grumpy earlier because you took too long to reply.:D

    However, that only illustrates the worth I place on our contact, right?
    Hey, don't worry, money is scarce, but love is free.:3


    Also, I hafta sleep now, so I'll see you another day.

    I'll reply tomorrow!
    I don't know if I can truly despise a whole state, least of all having known someone as pleasant as you hailing from there. Though I do despise a lot of what it seems to stand for.

    Yes, exactly, it also seems silly that homosexual couples would
    seek a ceremony designed to sanctify heterosexual relations to a god that seemingly rejects and denies their culture. I suppose they want equality, but we don't all demand wheelchairs or crutches do we?

    Heh, I've loved my fair share of males, but marriage? Nah...
    Agh, money. You know, I'd love to help you out, but it'll be years before I have a decent income, if at all, and at least two years before I publish a novel, with little notion to suggest it will be published let alone successful!
    *In response to earlier comment*

    Yes but... It just seems so wrong. Like banning a long played sport which is largely healthy and only occassionally dangerous, purely on culture related grounds. Seems so vicious...

    Hahah, no, I'm not married, I'm nineteen and probably not planning on getting married anytime soon if at all. I'll be damned if I ever need the governments and Gods blessing to love someone.

    You know that sounds dreadful.
    Oh, don't worry, it's all mock upset, really just for fun.

    I am quite irked that they would do this simply to annoy me, but flattered they think me worth the effort.

    They'd be dissapointed if I didn't react violently.

    I'm now going to get back to responding to your original comment, or should we take this to a pm?:X
    Tdht has a record of suggesting sparkly malice you see. Whats more, she was online, and only recently made a sparkly remark. Of course, she is not the only suspect, simply the must credible one.

    This thread will only make it easier to identify the perpetrator.
    I totally understand the driving phobia. Me too>>

    I trace that back to my days on a bicycle, not only did I not trust myself on it, but I was constantly hurting people and crashing into walls. Thus ensued an early form of depression due to inadequacy and anxiety. It would be the same with driving I think.

    You have many reasons for getting out of Texas,but do you want to leave, or have the nerve to?
    Meh, you have experience, and qualifiations make it easy for yourself. As long as you don't look really unkempt, long hair, beard, few nose rings, then nothings stopping you. I mean, I mumble at interviews and never maintain eye contact, so I'm hardly a prime candidate! Though I did dress up for the interview!
    Right, so, support and getting somewhere. HRM. Well, I'm not exactly independant and well off, but in my case I'm in my second part time job, and attending university for the next three years. Of course I needed loans for uni, and most of the money from my job goes to my large family, but it's a start, right? I can't give advice on getting a job though. I looked for both mine, filled in dozens of apps, attended many interviews, got quite disheartened after a while...
    Oh, ouch. Sounds like you have issues. Though I can relate. Primarily, you live in *Texas*. JAYSUS. Thats like the home of the bigots and opression of the even slightly abnormal.>>

    I mean, woooww, it worries me when a state puts restrictions on sexual pratices. How do you uphold them exactly? A bamboo staff and a squirt bottle?
    Yes, but you're that extra bit 'more' special:3 Yes, I Understand, it's a biological urge I suppose, like ignoring a sex drive or need for food, at least in some cases, maybe not yours.

    Hey, I can help you find decisions, I'm all about exploring possibilities(and never trying them) and theories. I just think it's a pity to be forced into a situation like that...
    Hahah, it's funny, but a lot of NT's can be anything online, because it's all so very surreal.

    I rarely if ever express myself in person, but I can, scary as it is, become rather snuggly online, after I trust a person entirely of course.

    Eh, I'm glad you've found a way to deal with your problems, I feel... Er, think for you.

    Is it working though?
    Hrm, I very highly doubt there was someone like you, you're much too unique.

    Oh, so you had transexual inklings? Hrm. I'm not a good one to discuss those. I think I have a great respect for gender, and androgyny is my religion, but gender realignment.... I'm all for freedom of form, but it seems to me it's always beautiful , tormented souls, wanting to alter themselves out of some misguided sense of their own appeal. At least, I've never thought of a transexual being any prettier than before.
    Oh? Quite the odd INFJ.

    Yes, it's a good thing. You're certainley clever, but obviously quite troubled, and I just seem to gravitate towards that.

    Not that I mean to fix you, but discovering what breaks a clock always makes you appreciate it so much more.

    Don't be surprised if I test your Fe, I have brief and embarassing moments of emotion I cannot contain at times.
    Fascinating thought experiment. I assume you have succeeded?

    Hrm. Though I'm not so sure I could accomplish it, I'm often too human for my own good.

    You're an intriguing fellow to say the least.
    And less privacy due to the reduced living space per person.

    It means I have to go out, which means I see people, couples, friends, and I know I'm missing something.

    Otherwise I'd go to uni three days a week(I spent my whole first year of uni without one conversation on the campus. I'm so proud!), and other than that, wouldn't go out.

    I'd just stick to online and silly RPG's.

    I wish I could, but life begins at nine and ends at five in this world:(
    Well, we have big cities but... In example, I was passing a building yesterday, and someone informed (it's just offices, but when it was getting built it REALLY reminded me of the Shinra building.) me it was the tallest in Ireland. Now when I compare it to some American cities, it just seems pretty pathetic to think thats the best we can do!

    Yes... I wish I could be that detached. In fact, I would be if it wasn't for my family. It's quite large, meaning more money needs earned(i.e, I need to work),
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