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  • Hahahaha.

    Oh God, you don't know how wrong you are about Ireland. It makes me cringe so much, esp- that Simpsons episode.

    To put it simply, we, in Northern Ireland, fight with each other, those who want to join back with the republic as an all-Ireland, and those who want to remain as part of the UK.

    The south, for the most part, spectate. Our governments work alongside a lot, and until very recently

    A lot of the Irish down south want us untied again, and some join in the fight, a lot don't care, and a
    Due to the core of our society being
    based on intelligence, (We agreed that
    if we populated the world with
    individuals like ourselves, not given to
    conflict and thoughtful, peace would
    ensue) we felt that childhood was
    highly important, so motherhood
    needed doing by proffesionals in
    controlled enviroments, with children
    only returned after their (passively
    intelligent) personalities were forged. Of
    course, he was much less keen...
    It might sound eerie, but we were both
    NT's and it seemed very sensible.
    Yes! In fact, when a coworker and I
    tried to write out rough plans for a
    'perfect' society on late shift (it was a
    bookstore, nobody noticed!), the main
    thing we focused on, due to my
    insistence, was destroying culture
    differences and eventually, any sorts of
    We figured even if we had a city with
    similar architecture everywhere, they'd
    find something to fight over, ya know,
    one half was in the shade or
    I was very keen to abolish gender roles,
    I even wanted to negate birth.
    Edit Report
    British slang? The cheek!
    It's Irish Gaelic, thank you very much!
    Yes, you seem to have hit the nail on
    the head, but I also find it somewhat
    unnerving when people are so
    unhinged over their own gender.
    I understand a little ambiguity here and
    there, and I despise gender roles... But
    when someone hates their own body so
    greatly that they wish to dramatically
    change it, and can find no peace
    besides that... it's just sad.I have similar complex, fantasy futures...
    FUCK. I did it again. Posted on my own profile.

    I deserve to be beaten with a stick.

    Though really sir, I have an immense pity towards you.
    Cara means friend^^,
    Uhm, how good? I'm not sure if vanities
    and self-destructive, wistful wishes
    count as good dreams.
    I must be turning into a feeler, because
    I have frequent urges to provide you
    with some sort of aid, instead of my
    usual indifference, or assumed
    Can't be any more worthless than
    Yeah, might post it later, if you want to hear a silly accent.

    Oh, I haven't a clue, but I'm nearly sure it's the phone, because the network functions as normal, texts, calls etc.

    Bleh. Nevermind me, how are you cara?

    Still lost in bitter dreams of what could be?:(
    My dear friend... Apologies.

    Basically my mobile internet has been malfunctioning greatly. First it developed the habit of losing connections unless reset. Meaning if one spent precious time typing you a comment, often it was lost entirely due to the loss of data transfer. Then it decided to stop working altogether. It's improving, but still tempermental, but I haven't suceeded in sending one until now.:<

    I recorded something for the forum earlier, a kindof drunken ramble.

    Still wonderin' about it...
    I suggested he use my avatar as a joke. This is way funnier.

    But yeah, I'm aware of it.
    Did I just make a shirt metaphor? I guess four months in the menswear of a department store is four months too many!D:

    Well as Fe goes, I've been accussed, only online, and only on INTPforum, of being an Extrovert, many elaborating with 'ENTP'-

    Oddly, few who know me in person call me extroverted, though my closest friends, whom I always lose, say I talk a lot at times, others I barely speak.

    Perhaps this explains my Fe-tolerance?
    Oh pftt, to hell with what is appreciated in boys. I appreciate regardless of gender, though I simply adore androgyny.

    What is more important is what I value in Athenian200. Not in an INFJ, not in a boy, not in Texan

    Those are labels, curiousities at best, things to discuss over coffee, or identify you in a crowd, like tags on branded clothing. The price, the design, the make, all just trival notes when you put the shirt on, and it serves it purpose fluidly.

    Oh God.
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