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  • Still learning the ropes, but thanks for the well-wishes.
    I see you got a snazzy new ribbon on your avatar! :D

    Happy Wednesday to you too!
    a. Bio lab (not sure exactly what it entails as of yet. I think mostly data interpretation and organization)
    b. Historical investigation
    c. English oral presentation research-preliminary work
    d. TOK Essay outline
    e. TOK binder (due the day back, so I'll proabably do that sooner)

    Actually, now that I think about it, snow wouldn't fit well into my schedule. I have exams coming up, work over the holidays. I'll be out of town for new years, so that will just add to the stress. (If this doesn't prove that I am at least somewhat judger, I don't know what does. Sorry, I'm type-stressing. I'm in one of those phases)

    I cannot help but smile at indigo's post. I get smacked by my Ni, too.
    You are such a confidence booster. I appreciate that. Thanks for your mfness. :)

    Btw new avatar is quite nice.
    I knew yours right away, it was the only one I had a serious hunch about. Great job, I love your work!
    School stress and my typical self-torturous overanalytical stress.

    More of the latter.

    I swear your vocab usage is eerily similar to mine. Not trying to claim it or's just that we fancy the same words.

    Send some snow to the souf. We ain't got none by heah.

    Yay tackle hugs :D
    Aww you always brighten my day.

    I'm a bit stressed and my brain has decided to go into hyperdrive, but other than that, I'm pretty good, actually.

    Hey dude. It went as well as it could have, I suppose. Two hours of sleep. Five hour drive there, five hour drive back. A pub-night, a late night conversation after. I'm recovering, is the long and short of it.
    Actually it's a tattoo on my cousin, of my grandma when she was young. I thought it was really well done, so I decided to use it as my avatar.
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