I haven't even seen the last 2 (?) Pirates of the Caribbean movies... to be honest I was most excited about them comign out because of the OPI nail polish range that came out with the movie... haha. I am not all that excited about that after all anyway, most of the colours are pretty dull and i'm sort of over shatter at this point in time. aaand i'm sorry for going on about nail polish because i'm sure you don't care much for it ;p
do you have facebook?
i enjoy being unproductive. i wish i could get really, really rich from some random event that involved me doing no work whatsoever (rich relative who wants to give me 2mil? sure!) and then live off the interest for the rest of my life. i would read SO much.

and have an amazing library. and get another kitten and a puppy. and i would get my nails done nicely ALL THE TIME.

i love to play the imagination game..haha
sorry this has been so rambly! can u tell im tired?
i hope you've had a nice day today :] or ... night? or morning? i have no idea what time it is there