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  • Where's Questingpoet? He mentioned he knew you to me. If he's out for an extended time, could you look at one of my poems?
    Hello mortal, what is it that caused you to alert the attention of the great Phage? :P

    Oh, and hello to you too!
    LOL! Yeah, might not be the best idea then. But hey, you could live vicariously through me if I do something :tongue1:. I have been mentally "prepping" myself for this for a while, and I am waiting until I am ready. I really want to explore this realm, and I am making sure that I will do it with the healthiest mind and life that I can have. If things work out nicely for the summer, then I'll got the life set out. Then I just need to explore if I am mentally ready. If not, I got oregon :)
    Mmhmm. Maaaaabye this summer. If it comes to me, and I do something, I'll let you know :).

    I agree. I normally do not like trance music pretty much at all (ironically enough), but this I actually enjoy. Took a few plays, but they grew on me.
    my avatar? oh - ive just been to lazy to change it.
    "you dont like it?
    or do most people have pictures of themselfs on here?
    Best of luck on that whole prof thingy. PS: You know me more than most around here and I like you best but don't tell nobody that....or I will have to deny it.
    I have taken a week off work starting tomorrow and foshizle I won't be around if I can help it cause, yea, I don't have internet or anything at the house. It was take a week off or throw a fit and quit my job which all things considered, wouldn't be very smart. I swear I am half nutso or something right now....
    Sure you do! Or maybe you just thought you knew all there was too know and are now surprised to find out that you don't know what you thought you knew and there was more to know in the first place. How did the plagarism thingy turn out? I would have agreed you were/are a french feminist....
    The super-mod with the super-bod??? *giggle snarf* Tender, pink and succulent? Mr. Meat for Sale?
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