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  • Hah. You mean that big honkin' rhino NAI head is that easy to miss? ;)

    And sure thing. Let me know what you think.
    Probably low blood sugar, because I hadn't eaten anything before. How wussy is that?

    And nah, it really is nothing. I can cover it up with a band-aid, so it's no big deal. It doesn't hurt. It was just a lot of blood from a deep laceration and I think that's what made people make out to be ten times worse than it was. I can laugh about it now because it just astounded me how big of a deal everyone made it out to be. I've had worse injuries before.
    I already did my halloween stuff last night. I went to my friends house last night for a low key party (which is what we wanted after last weekend). We played a REALLY fun (to me) game of kings cup. I got to use my favorite rule (for when you draw a jack,) a rule called "the rule rule", where at the end of every sentance, you have to say the last word twice twice. If you don't you have to drink drink. People mess up so much, and it is so hilarious hilarious. It pisses everyone off too too :D. Then I did the chemistry show for the little kids just now, it was AWESOME. We had at least 150 people show up.
    It was a fundraising event. We pretty much threw a party with games and contests..and beer. People had to dress up, so I ended dressing up too. It was nothing too elaborate, I already had a red top, all I needed was Devil horns.

    I can't remember the last time I wore suspenders. I always thought they were cool. =)
    Haha, I don't hate Halloween, I just don't find it appealing. (Better? :P ) I ended up dressing up as a devil to an event organized by V-work. Staff had to dress up, but I don't like coming up with costumes. Lumberjack is still a good costume tho.
    lol, well if it makes you feel any better, I too have to clean up my place. Mainly my room, because it's an utter mess, and the kitchen. The dishes are reaching the ceiling.

    Was it a Halloween party? Did dress up for it?
    lol. No, I'm fine. Just had a disagreement with the floor. I went in to get some bloodwork done at the walk in clinic yesterday. After they took my blood, they told me to go sit down and make sure I was okay before I left the building. I never made it to sitting down. I woke up on waiting room floor, people hauling me up and one of the doctors freaking the heck out and telling me I needed to go into the emergency room for stitches and x-rays because I banged up my chin and possibly injured my neck. I'm perfectly fine. I just have 10 stitches to show for the whole ordeal.
    Ooooh, how very kind of you!
    Please let me kiss your boots.
    Your dog-shit boots.
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