Recent content by BrokenDaniel

  1. BrokenDaniel

    Desire for Retribution

    Depending on the situation, i have no problem with retaliation per se. If not, then i think i forget it, or push back inmediatedly to not hold grudges... I'm not one to forget when i'm hurt though, and it takes more than a while for me to let that go, specially if it's someone i'm connected with.
  2. BrokenDaniel


    I listened to it while i was studying and transcribing for a while. I remember a quote i've recently read, i think it was Aleister Crowley but it may have been another one who said that today's science is just obsesed and misguided by what's quantifiable and factual. Needless to say that...
  3. BrokenDaniel


    Tablets annoy me to no end, never could use one. I use my broken iphone, with mostly instant messaging and groups of friends to fool around. Facebook turned tedious and boring, and when i closed my account i felt like i was quitting a Big Brother'esque kind of program, that Zuckerberg kiddo...
  4. BrokenDaniel

    Governance Crisis in Venezuela

    The way i understand it, is that even before Chavez died, the repression and persecution and subsequent mass migration was already an issue. Also the economical state was in decline for a long while. Some attributed the current to the president, Maduro. Which can be, but he's nowhere near as...
  5. BrokenDaniel

    Public Partial Nudity

    Because...? The ladies should have been more profesional though. I felt objectified, and slightly, but only slightly harassed, i feel like complaining to human resources next time it happens, so i'll keep an eye on em'. I'm sure if i had an erection, they would have filled the complaint...
  6. BrokenDaniel

    Public Partial Nudity

    First, i don't go commando with a zipper, i could catch my penis with it while zipping it up,never has happened to me anyway, but... basics. It's just a story that i thought it was funny, never implied it was a big deal.
  7. BrokenDaniel

    Public Partial Nudity

    This reminds me... Today i went to the dentist and i didn't noticed i had the zip open. The assistant just stared and stared at my crotch, and i was like, damn girl at least look at my cleavage... Then i noticed... and the dentist did too, and i couldn't move. Both were female. For one moment...
  8. BrokenDaniel


    The times i've been celibate (and i am now) it was because i've never slept around casually with girls, i just couldn't, only with one girlfriend. As for other motives, to each his/her own, personally there's just too much fear and trust issues around sex to do it casually with someone i'm not...
  9. BrokenDaniel

    MBTI Type and Birth Month

    October, IxFP. Born in the southern hemisphere...
  10. BrokenDaniel

    Sanders with an S

    But he didn't. The article states that it mostly had to do with how much time and struggle he had to face to work with remuneration in public service. Your last phrase strikes me as funny with the article you've posted, it's contradictory. Maybe you're just too convinced of him being a lazy ass...
  11. BrokenDaniel

    Sanders with an S

    Here: I mean, if it's supossed to be a propaganda to debunk his public persona, is really tempered... It doesn't imply that he was a lazy bum, by any means i believe. I don't see many people holding a 9 to 5 job like a standard of anything (more like dread, but that's just me). The artcicle...
  12. BrokenDaniel

    Poll: What is Your Position on Freedom of Speech?

    That scenario doesn't sound like speech to me in the least. That's directly acussing someone of something he didn't do, lying. Free speech, the way i understand it, doesn't really have to do with incitation, (much less acussation).
  13. BrokenDaniel

    Sanders with an S

    I'm confused. The link you just posted clearly refutes what you've said about him not holding a regular job.
  14. BrokenDaniel

    How does culture affect communication?

    Actually were i live, Chile, is a fairly social place, but comparatively we're cold and mistrustful to the vast majority of the latin population. We are nowhere near as Brazilians, and Cubans, those guys could just meet you in the streets, get wasted together, crash into your house, hit on your...
  15. BrokenDaniel

    Poll: What is Your Position on Freedom of Speech?

    People can say whatever they want, everything's allowed in my book. Now that doesn't make what they say true, nor valid, and in some cases intelligent. If i feel like point that out, i don't think i'm attempting to censor someone.