Sanders with an S


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With the realization that Hillary Clinton will more than likely be on her way to jail by the time the Presidential election roles around, lets talk about the other candidate.

To start, Sanders never had a full time job until the age of 40. Thats four zero.
I understand that Bernie Sanders isn't my favourite politician right now, but this is just pure ad-hominem.
I'm confused. The link you just posted clearly refutes what you've said about him not holding a regular job.
I think the other candidate will be Joe Biden if they indict her in the 11th hour.
I'm confused. The link you just posted clearly refutes what you've said about him not holding a regular job.

Err... how do you come to that conclusion?
I understand that Bernie Sanders isn't my favourite politician right now, but this is just pure ad-hominem.

I think its important to discuss all candidates. Put their cards on the table so to speak.
Eventhorizon is cruisin for a bruisin when Skarekrow finally snaps and goes on his murderous rampage.

You will notice I have posted nothing from foxnews....
I am voting for Sanders in the primary and hope he gets the nomination. But believing Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted by anything other than some rabid congressional committee is pure delusion.
Err... how do you come to that conclusion?


Liberty Union "people found it difficult to support themselves while engaging in full-time political work," Michael Parenti, one of those people, wrote in the Massachusetts Review in the summer of 1975. "Some held jobs that allowed free time for campaign activities, while others lived off unemployment insurance."

"His work was to be a politician," Guma said. "He put everything into what he was doing."

"His work was to be a politician," Guma said. "He put everything into what he was doing."

We would also note by that by the standard used here, holding elective office (as Sanders has done for most of the last 35 years as a mayor, a U.S. Representative, and a U.S. senator) is as much a "9 to 5" job as any other.

I mean, if it's supossed to be a propaganda to debunk his public persona, is really tempered... It doesn't imply that he was a lazy bum, by any means i believe. I don't see many people holding a 9 to 5 job like a standard of anything (more like dread, but that's just me). The artcicle states that he performed a variety of freelance jobs to get an income.
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With the realization that Hillary Clinton will more than likely be on her way to jail by the time the Presidential election roles around, lets talk about the other candidate.

To start, Sanders never had a full time job until the age of 40. Thats four zero.

It also seems more than likely that Trump will be your guy. He's running the table on Rubio and Cruz.

And Trump is an 'orange, pants-wetting, con-artist.'

Hillary isn't going to jail. But I really do hope that Sanders wins. Either one can take that loser.
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I hope neither Sanders, Hillary or Trump wins. I don't even want any of these people running a convenience store.
To be honest, the only 4 candidates who look like they might remotely stand a chance of winning are Clinton, Sanders, Trump and Cruz.

Even if the meme is true, Sanders seems a whole lot less of a disastrous choice than Clinton and Trump.
I'd possibly vote for Sanders or Cruz.
Because Clinton and Trump don't know what the hell they're talking about and spurt out random crap, or in Hilary her case, easily confirmed fake stories to win support, hack shes even senile already if she remembers normal uneventful visits as ones wheres shes being shot at xD. And that same reason is why im a bit worried about Sanders, just like Clinton and Trump, he looks like hes about to die of old age and heart attacks.

Either way, Sanders and Cruz are the only real options if you don't want to completely troll your own nation.

I could live with Biden.

Bad idea, he's total laughing stock outside the USA among the common populace and considered incompetent as a politician...
Though Clinton and Trump are not far behind ^^"
I am voting for Sanders in the primary and hope he gets the nomination. But believing Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted by anything other than some rabid congressional committee is pure delusion.

Really? Why? Shes clearly guilty of espionage. Absolutely no doubt of that even with the limited information thats been released to the public. Is it your belief then that regardless of how many laws shes broken shell be given a pass?

On a side note all this came about because of her use of a private server that was setup specifically to try and hide her communications. How can anyone not care about national security in a way where they would give her a pass for her actions?
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I mean, if it's supossed to be a propaganda to debunk his public persona, is really tempered... It doesn't imply that he was a lazy bum, by any means i believe. I don't see many people holding a 9 to 5 job like a standard of anything (more like dread, but that's just me). The artcicle states that he performed a variety of freelance jobs to get an income.

I think its relevant that he did nit receive a steady paycheck until 40. Why would someone believe its ok to collect unemployment insurance when its possible to have a full time job? Thats mooching off the system at working Americans expense. The average American cant live that way and I believe it shows hes completely out of touch with what it means to be a working class American.
It also seems more than likely that Trump will be your guy. He's running the table on Rubio and Cruz.

And Trump is an 'orange, pants-wetting, con-artist.'

Hillary isn't going to jail. But I really do hope that Sanders wins. Either one can take that loser.

For as simplistic as Trumps answers have been Hillary would be broken in debates against Trump like a street sign in a hurricane. It wont matter though. Shes not getting a get out of jail free card. My understanding is that the FBI can force Obama to prosecute at this point. Her only hope is that they can somehow delay it long enough for her to be voted into office so that she can bury the whole thing.