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  • i believe fall is to say it is weak (like you may not have a very strong force in it) What sign do you have under mars? Would you say you are the argumentive type or the more peacefull type? Dom means that the planet is in the sign that it rules so your traits there are "strong."
    Oh! Yeah, sorry, the age thing wasn't directed at you, just a general for anyone who may be reading. :D

    And... I love Sagittarians. So yay! <3
    November is also my favourite month, if only for being the 11th month of the year, and something about its shape and colour (it's hazel, or brown, depending upon the dates).
    Well, I was looking into typology, and I came across this forum. It comes up in google often.

    What about yourself?
    My hair is just brown lol. And big enough to make a small planet.

    I love colors in that shade

    Apparently it's 300...But I have no idea of figuring out how. I just started a thread to try and get some help with explaining it to me in an easy way.

    I have to go to bed now, it's getting a bit late. 12:14am. Good night! (:
    That's not too much information. :P I hope it goes soon, what are you doing to try and relieve it? And I am fine, my friend just keeps giving me these really hard things to figure out...

    When you have 25 people in a room and everyone shakes each other's hand, how many handshakes have taken place?

    For example. xD
    I have to ask. What colour is your hair?

    Yes we put our milk in bags and that's awesome because it saves time money and the planet.
    Americans are the weirdo who put their milk in the same kind of container than the liquid you put in the washer.

    And yes it's about -300 here. :(
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