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  • Yeah, your personality really fits for a Kelly who lives in California. Really. xD

    Mah name is Sarah, and I'm one of those annoying people who live in Quebec and ruin Canada. :P
    Aw, if you go there one day you have to try.

    And where do you even live and what's your name, calling you daydreamer gets annoying.
    (Don't answer "in my head")
    I didn't like pears that much, but then I started liking them because I had too much pear-pressure (couldn't resist :3)

    You like celery (makes you evil) and you don't close parenthesis. :(

    Have you ever tried parchita/parcha ? Its from South America, and it's probably in the top 10 world's most delicious fruits.
    I defiantly need to look into more of his stuff, I'm dozing off here though so I'll tyll. G'night.
    Well thank you :) I don't think it's so much a matter of being nice as just treating people the way I'd like to be treated. I think you'll find the same from most everyone around here.
    I don't mind at all :)
    Well I found out about the forums by googling INFJ after I found out I was one. I had spent awhile on the INTJ forums for awhile because I was mistyped but it never quite clicked completely.
    How did you find out about these forums?
    My day is going great, wish I had been a little more productive but no big deal. How is your day going?
    What's so wrong about broccolis? :(

    I'm not big on movies, but I liked Toy Story 3 (:P), Inception, Blood Diamond and Kick-ass which I watched recently.
    and you, i remember you said you didnt like tragedies, so dont watch bambi it's too sad :(
    I swear you're the friendliest person I've met on this forum.

    Being shy is not much related to introversion or extroversion ;)

    I like to uh I like pretty much everything lol o_o except rap pickles meditation and disgusting-grey-yellow. Dx
    It doesn't look like it but it's a very hard question x_x what about you?
    oh, randomly in another forum

    wuts your mbti type, even if it's probably enfp ?
    Does Woody really have a snake in his boot or is it a lie?
    Life question... :(

    how did you find this forum daydreamer?
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