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  • Yeah...

    "Hey there mustached top hat man, nice whip"

    "Harro, where did you get those wings?"

    "Oh these, well, long story..."

    "Neverminds, just get in the circus van or I'll shoot you."
    Word of warning though, don't try any flying, low gliding at best, and only in strong winds.
    They're more decorative than anything else, though I will connect them to your nervous system allowing you some control over them.:)
    Well of course.
    I'm just going to sneak in during the night, render you unconscious, carry you to my lab and then graft four swan wings to your upper and lower back, then I'm going to replace you exactly where you were, only twenty-four hours later.

    It'll be as if they just grow by magic.
    Oh, you think it is creepy than I wish to perform biological experimentation upon you.

    I just wanted to give you swan wings...

    Don't think I've forgot about your poem, I will get round to it.
    That's exactly how I am! I can be really bipolar about whether or not I want to be with people or not. I like to be around people..I am just rather selective about who I decide to spend my time with.

    It seems like if you are a partier, you're an E, otherwise you're an I, aka a loner. There's really no middleground.
    I've been pretty good.

    I have also sort of been doubting my I vs. E. I think I might be an ENFJ, but I am not THAT extroverted, but at the same time, not that much of an introvert.
    It's quite confusing.
    Is it pink cause I'm a girl? I don't even like pink!
    what do you like? green?
    Ego? I have no ego, just superego and a baby Id.

    It's not like I've even mentioned how large my manparts are once!

    Though just to clarify, pretty large.:P
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