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  • No, it wouldn't mean colleague at all, although it probably derives from it. Kolega is a male friend. Koleżanka is a female friend.

    You'll have to tell me what's so comical about it :)

    I'm in and out today. Kind of in the middle of switching life gears over here, so I can't promise I'll be available to chat in the next few days, but if I am, I'll give you a holler :)
    Jak sie masz, kolego?

    It looks deceivingly warm outside; sunny but nippy.

    How goes the project? Anything new and exciting in your life so far?
    Not so well. Missed yesterday. Today is probably not going to be a writing day either.

    How are you?
    Yeah, I'm going to have to pass on tonight. A bit of best friend boy drama drama. I've been on and off the phone all evening. Catch you tomorrow?
    You just wanna see how banged up I really am, don't you? Yeah, sure, I'm up for it later tonight.

    And you should totally start with researching the legality. I have a feeling that will go quicker and you can concentrate on methodologies without having unattached strings...
    I am a klutz with a capital K this week. I slammed my foot into a door this morning running out to throw out the trash and now I'm bemoaning my pain, trying to concentrate on writing.

    How are you?
    I started to... but I would babble on and on... lol. I have to sit down and finish it.
    I have thought about doing almost everything, haha. I think maybe first I'll go for massage therapy, and then go back for something else, and so on until I find something that fits.

    I've been up to alot. Ha, sort of. I go to school at night now so my days are free, but I'm trying to find a job to fix that.
    Ha, I'm undecided still. I'm thinking I'll just go ahead and do classes that I need and then decide later. Or, I might go to a career-focused school and get certified in a few different things. You know, to keep my options open.
    What are you going to school for? It's good that you enjoy it; that's what really matters anyways. And, won't your school help you find a job?
    Well, I never got my movie to uh... load... so I ended up half-watching Sleepy Hollow and surfing the net.
    Sneaky, sneaky.
    How goes the toiling? It sounds to me like you're getting bogged down with the details of a girl-wrassle rather than focusing on your school work
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