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  • >:{


    You weren't supposed to give in, the argument has only started.

    You're much too soft muss Denisey.

    You know I'm incredibly jealous of your little turtle, but one of my major dysfunctions was never quite knowing which partner to be jealous of when spying a cute heterosexual couple.:X

    I honestly don't feel the lurve on this forum quite yet.

    How could I forget?

    Have you not mentioned it a myriad times this last week?

    Like many humans, you seek to flaunt your status 'oh-oh! I'M TAKEN-taken! Looook, I have self worth and such now and aren't you jealous of meh!?'

    Unfortunately my dear, that does not wash with me.

    My opinion of you only dwindles after such blatant exclamations and I'm afraid an extra human with affection for you in no way alters, certainley not positively, my sentiments towards you.

    T'was a joke, the sex slave rigmarole.
    Thanks. I loved the video and the company of the other women--what a compliment!
    Probably one of the best compliments I have ever received!
    Thanks! LOL.
    You'd be excellent company as well.
    Who says I wanted you silly?

    I just want to lead you astray.

    The devil has no lovers but God, all else be play-things!

    No, it is not all in jest Miss sunshine.

    There is a grand amount of negative energy swirling my way... For certain...
    Thank you! :)

    So what's new? I want all the juicy details! (or what ever you feel like sharing)


    You'll fall for it eventually miss.


    Then I'll have you.

    Also, what playmates?

    Nobody on this forum seems to like me >.>

    N.V is denouncing my personality as we spea.k
    But Denisey!

    Dear Innocent little Melkor is too awed by your sublime choice of words to conjure a response!


    *Licks your hand*
    :hug: Hmm, It's taken me quite a while to reach this mark, a little over a year and a half now I suppose; so I have time. I'm probably going to keep Jack Skellington though! I've grown quite a liking to the name, haha.
    "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever." <3
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