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  • Denise, are you trying desperately to be poetic so as to impress me?


    It might be working.


    Yeah, you seem nice to talk to, if a little flawed in your sugar coated rainbow emotion theories.

    I suppose I should give in and msn you some...
    Oh? Didn't know you were capable of poetic visuals;P


    There is much beauty to be found in humanity.

    Sometimes I find myself smiling merely at their ways.

    But thats internal , something near impossible for me to share, and frequently painful.

    Beauty is so taunting.

    It just depresses me.:(
    It's okay, you can be cute.

    Just in small doses.

    The suave act doesn't suit you.

    And yeah, I know I'm a bit of a prick, but I honestly don't mean to be.

    I just find humanity so tiresome.
    Last.Fm was so cluttered, that's why i just kinda...gave up on it. I do the same as well, pretty much all I do on youtube is search videos (I don't really like stealing music. I'm a musician, it's just...ugh lol) and ah! I see. I was talking to Enem today actually, I want him to post more! I'll have to ask him about his taste in music the next time I talk to him. I think I'm going to head to bed...It's 7 am. It's a bad sign when day light is out and you haven't been to sleep yet...haha. Good morning, adieu!
    I see, that's awesome. I don't really recall how I ran across Say anything. I believe I was just looking for new music and I typed in a few of the artists I liked into tastekid. I thought it was a crappy internet program, but it introduced me to Say anything so I can't complain!
    You like say anything? That's awesome! I'm happy. It seems like not a lot of people have heard of it! Other than the songs you've mentioned, I like Death for my birthday, The futile, Eloise, Crush'd, do better, and all choked up. Yep, I think those are all my favorites.
    Oh my gosh! I just noticed I had this comment. How could I not notice?!!!

    Anyways, it's gorgeous. And it's avatar-able. And I feel honored that you'd make this for me. I like it very very much, thank you love!
    Thank you very much. That was a nice photo you had of my cousin, by the way. :)
    Oh don't worry.

    You're a lovely person really.

    Just a bit of a pest with all this silly feely nonsense.



    I'll keep you around though;P
    Shallow as in, shows interest based merely on a pretty face-shallow.

    I hope thats not your basis for speaking with me;P

    No idea!

    A lady I know over on INTP emailed it to me one day, because I have a habit of having what she calls 'moody bishies' as my avatar.

    It also resembles Cloud, who I also frequently use...
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