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  • Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang, look at the design on that pillow case! Those feet look like man feet. That is not the proper usage of toe nail painting. The fish next to the feet is even confused. Also that rabbit is pretty cute.
    That is very kind of you to say. I am enjoying meeting people that truly do not feel judgmental. It is never too late. :hug: Yer very welcome!
    I lurves you too. *pulls you in for a bearhug*

    How is it goin in yer neck of the woods, my lovely?
    I might share with a select few people, who I know while be dissmissive about it!:}

    Hahaha, I never have great days, I'm too self-aware for that:P
    I say humans are confusing creatures indeed.

    Also, I have removed said picture, lest it attracts similar comments. D:
    Oh, there's a third possibility of incredibly nice yet tasteless:P

    (Also:Glasses are secsy)
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