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  • Oh yeah. I read about you man problems some time ago. :( Im sorry. You got kids too? Or have I been dreaming that? Anyway, I'm glad you have your best friend to lean on. I think you will have a great time. When are you moving?
    Alright, will you be able to manage it? Are you going to family?

    Actually, I think it's quite kewl of you to stay for him so he can spend time with the children.
    I'd like an ex-wife like you.
    Things are okay.
    And yes, I love the count of monte cristo <3

    It's like sex, but in the form of a book. (I must admit, I rarily read books anymore, so I might just be easy to satisfy.)

    I understand if this is too private, but are you moving away from your (ex-)husband or did you already leave him?
    I have always liked bouncing to house and techno, but I never considered partner dancing until two years ago when my girlfriend at the time got me into Lindy Hop. I got totally hooked right away and I still am. Such a playful dance. Blues is a lot like Lindy, only much slower. Perfect for introverts. :-)

    May I ask why you are heading to Boston?
    Hi sweetness. :-D Nice of you to drop by even though I know I'm not the most active member of the forums. I'm doing very good at the moment actually, thanks for asking. Work is fun, it is summer and I took the most amazing dance class last weekend. Blues dance. I used to claim that Lindy Hop is the best dance ever, but now I'm not so certain anymore. Lol! I hope that you are doing good too and I wish you succes in your endeavours.
    Hey, girl! :) I am doing pretty well - thanks for asking! And you? How are you doing?
    No. I'm not cute.
    I'm the meanest kid on the block.
    Lately? Lately?!

    I thought we had a LDR going on?
    Was I wrong?

    Wait a minute. Are you trying to seduce me by sending me monkeys who are giving blowkisses?

    Because it's working.
    I didn't get to tell you 'happy birthday', so I'll do it now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DNEECEY LOL!
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