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  • Hey you :) Thank you for the birthday wishes; that's really sweet! So you're an INFJ? I am still trying to decide on my type... *Sigh*

    -Em. :)
    Alright. I'm just saying, I don't like twilight.
    I forgot that when you're dead, you don't need CPR anymore. That was kind of impulsive.
    Hey dneecey, nice hearing from you! Why are you moving? do you like it or not so much?
    On the forums everything is very nice, in tinychat I haven't been anymore since all the troubles, maybe I should have a look there again... I really liked talking to you and Lee and some others there...

    we miss you here!
    I thought of texting you a bunch of times, but I didn't. I was wondering how TX was for you.

    I didn't get any jobs with BI, they filled a few of the positions internally which affected us here. We are supposed to hear next week when our end dates are for Pfizer. I heard that I might be extended all the way out until October.

    I have missed you too! So has the forum. <3
    Hey, I just wanted you to know that I finished a poem today I'd had on the burner for a while. It was based on a line I copied from your blog. The line "I want to be the love I hope to find in others." Great line, very poem worthy. I'll type it out in the next few days and publish it. Jeez, so much mushy stuff comin' otta me lately! ;)
    Sleepy catgirl is stuck at work and needs to do something amusing so I'm going to put a whole bunch of pillows all over you for my amusement. *thoroughly pillows!*
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