I am a twin, really 0.o
http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=672041400 This is my twin sister.
I have to be really honest, I don't think much about astrology from that perspective at all. Does that disappoint you? Let's see multiple personalities.... I couldn't say to be honest, I have only been able to tap into the mind of one human being so I have no accurate means to measure the verisimilitude of multiple "personalities" habituating my being. Moon, uuh, I just checked, it seems to be capricorn? I have no idea what these things mean. But you know, it doesn't really matter what I am, because regardless of what these stars say, I am and always be, myself. I don't need confirmation or anything like that to live my life.
Ang, amagawd, so many questions. So many insinuations. Well, riddle me this. Why such a strong desire to know? Such a strong desire to set to stone? Sorry for my intrusion, but confirmation is not my muse. I merely float and go about, interests pass and go, like seasons, ever changing.
I think I should seriously be less serious.