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    But for the most part I just like creating unusual word combinations and pondering what this new thing might mean, then relating it to a deeper, sometimes universal theme. I've noticed a have written quite a bit on perspective and perception. Again, just me looking at something from a different angle that I hadn't contemplated before.
    This, completely. Sometimes I like to write with words and not stories. Rather than stringing words together to make one continuous story, I'll write phrases that exude a certain emotion. Then I put those together to make a string of emotions, regardless of whether they connect.
    I don't know when I actually started enjoying writing; I really can't remember a time when I wasn't writing. And it wasn't really about enjoying it, although I did. It was more like a compulsion. I just seemed to be able to organize my thoughts better on paper.
    Same here, I think at first I thought, "maybe I should be writing" until it became a sort of necessity.

    I loved playing with words and coming up with fresh metaphors and just looking at things from a different way than everyone else around me did.
    Yeah, seeing things in new says always helps me, otherwise I feel like I'm getting nowhere.

    I could write my full name at 3 1/2, and by age 6, I was writing my own little 'books.' I didn't really write much poetry until I was 14 and got my heart broken for the first time. And , of course it wasn't the last, so I kept on writing it! If nothing else, broken hearts can lead to good poetry, if you work at it enough. LOL
    Well, this heart has only been broken once or twice. My main source of inspiration is travel. Getting to see new places, even if they are close by but still "foreign" always gets me inspired.
    My sister was writing little books when she was 6, we still have some. They would be about a princess, who meets a prince and falls in love, then dies shortly before the wedding, and things like that.
    Rather not say, I'm afraid of pedophiles, sarah palin, etc. :)
    When did you start to enjoy writing? Ray Bradbury (love him) said he started writing when he was 11, but it sucked until he was 18 or so.
    Thank you. :) I'm thinking of maybe posting some poems on the forum first...just to get a sense of what others think before I try to publish again in a competitive market.
    There's a separate place for posting poems, and I always want to post there, but whenever I get a good one I'd rather stick it on my blog. The people who read my blog, I think, are more familiar with my writing.

    Where do you go to school?
    My local high school, but I don't want to be too specific.
    That's great that you've been published! You should send some more stuff in just for kicks.
    I've entered a short story into my school's art contest/publication, but they haven't even started looking them over yet. I can see what you mean about not wanting to expose yourself, and indeed I have a bit of regret for jumping into my own blog. When I first started it, though, I don't think I really was completely open and comfortable. It adapted as my relationship with this forum did. I think what I get out of my blog, mostly, is just that it's a great excuse to write.
    Teenagers huh...you're a veteran! Are your daughters close? Mine are, when they're not fighting that is. There is fourteen months between them.
    yeah, i think it's supposed to be an artistic and poetic representation of Eve and the original sin, see serpent by on the group, and the apple hanging from her hands. It's awesome.

    Nighty night. I'm going to bed now. 3:38am... Nice roaring with you. :D
    Haha yeah, I'm finding gaps in the chat when no one is on the bottom bar apart from Saru. Have you noticed that? :P If you go right to the bottom there is a list of people who are viewing the thread. ^.=.^ Roarrrr!!!!!!
    I think I call it like I see it, and am not too politically correct about it.
    That tends to give people a headache.

    If you hang out around me long enough, I'm bound to give you a headache.
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