Thank you. I could use the prayers. I'm trying my best to stay level-headed and not let it affect me too much because overreacting can make things worse. I just want everybody to be ok, that's all.
so true. all of it.
my health is a major player in the drama with me and smoking. i will die if i smoke again. i already know it, but i'm at the point where i'm factoring that into my decision! shit. i will be glad to get back to work and not think about it all freaking day long
so far i've managed to stay strong - gawd it is so difficult! i thought after seven months i wouldn't be feeling this way but it's actually getting harder as time goes on go figure
Thank you! Just to point out, I think the style of Robert Lewis Reid's paintings is similar to this one. - I'm barely an amateur, just feel more related to paintings than others. I never liked impressionism when I was young, didn't even see a point. But now, I think I love them a lot!