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  • Glad you enjoyed it! I just came across it pretty randomly, saw the huge fractal cityscape *what's this?!! click! WOW!!! I've yet to find a dance club in my province that offers Goa/Psy, one day perhaps :) Been thinking how cool it would be to listen to carbon based lifeforms, solar fields, asura, aes dana while walking through a large botanical garden. Different songs for different gardens.
    Kenya was really interesting. I was in Mombasa, so it was absoloutely gorgeous. Tropical beaches and all that! I was teaching over there for a while...needed to escape life, so I took off to teach in Africa. My mother thought I was nuts. haha
    That sounds beautiful! I love the mountains. I live next to the sea. There are a bunch of big hills and mountains not far from my house, but mountains in this country are more like hills in America anyway. The bay by my home is lovely though, I think I'd miss the sea if I were too far away from it.
    Yeah I've travelled a bit...across America, Ireland and the UK (obviously), Germany, France, Australia, Kenya, etc etc. Going away for a few weeks this summer and planning on hitting up Paris and Amsterdam. Really looking forward to it! How did you like Europe?
    I also think that due to the limited amount of communication possible through the forum, i.e. lack of body language and proximity, that I come off more as a TJ. Maybe I should try posting more videos...
    Sure, I can see that. I'd have to say that my sense of balance is such that I come off as neutral rather than non-emotional and cold. I'm very much concerned with the feelings and emotions of others. I majored in the social sciences/humanities and it's really my interest, but my judging function and sense of harmony for everyone is such that I, as much as possible, take as neutral a position as is possible for the benefit of everyone and to be fair. I feel like those that come off as TJ's either don't understand or dislike emotional expressiveness.
    I'm fairly certain, but I don't put that much stock into MBTI. What makes you think I would be TJ? My writing style?
    Last year I was pathetic, this year I'm pretty good, next year, excellent? They're technical but their songwriting sucks. I want both technicality and songwriting. So yes, surpass :3
    Oooh Virginia is one my favourite states :) Do you like where you live? Yeah, Ireland is ok. It is pretty I suppose in a very green fields and sheep kind of way. I'm from the Capital -- Dublin. It's lively enough, but I wouldn't think it as exciting as a lot of the other European cities. Dublin is actually really small for a capital. Sometimes I like that about it though. Have you travelled much?
    yuss dishes have been done! Really? I don't mind dishes so mush....cleaning out the trash is the one I hate! Yeah, I do like the forums, I just have a hard time getting into them sometimes. Also people here are smart and intimidating!
    Where in the world are you from?
    hah i was going to say, thats pretty impressive! What kind of stuff do you like to play on guitar?
    I'm just browsing the net and reading! Trying to get up the courage to go down and face the dishes haha! So, how long have you been on the forums?
    Not so bad thanks! Sorry to bother you...its kind of scary trying to talk to new people on a forum! What arey ou up to this evening?
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